PART 1Provisions Referred to in Article 265(5)


Provision of Part 21, Part M, Part 145, Part 66 or Part 147Subject matter
21A.61Instructions for the continued airworthiness by the holder of type certificate or restricted type certificate
21A.107Variations to instructions for continued airworthiness by the holder of a minor change approval to type design
21A.120Instructions for continued airworthiness by supplemental type certificate holder
21A.130Requirement for statement of conformity
21A.147Approval of changes to the approved production organisation
21A.180Inspections to be permitted by holder of airworthiness certificate
21A.439Production of repair parts
21A.441Repair embodiment
21A.449Instructions for continued airworthiness by holder of repair design approval
21A.721Inspections to be allowed by holder of, or applicant for, a permit to fly
21A.729Record keeping by the holder of the approval of the flight conditions
21A.805Identification of critical parts
M.A.307Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records
M.A.401Use of current maintenance data
M.A.402Performance of maintenance
M.A.501Installation of components
M.A.502Component maintenance
M.A.504 (b),(c) and (d)Control of unserviceable components
M.A.611Maintenance standards
M.A.614Maintenance records to be kept by approved maintenance organisation
M.A.617Notification of changes to the approved maintenance organisation
M.A.713Notification of changes to the approved continuing airworthiness organisation
M.A.714Record keeping by continuing airworthiness management organisation
M.A.902(c)Airworthiness review certificate to be returned
145.A.85Notification of changes to the organisation
147.A.110Records of instructors, examiners and assessors
147.A.150Notification of changes to the maintenance training organisation