The Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016

PART 3Emissions, additives and other prohibited ingredients and products

Maximum emission levels of cigarettes

13.—(1) No person may produce, supply or manufacture for export any cigarettes with emission levels greater than—

(a)10 milligrams of tar per cigarette;

(b)1 milligram of nicotine per cigarette;

(c)10 milligrams of carbon monoxide per cigarette.

(2) For the purposes of this regulation and regulation 14, a person manufactures a product for export if, in the course of a business and other than with a view to the product being supplied for consumption in the United Kingdom or through the travel retail sector, the person—

(a)manufactures the product; or

(b)puts a name, trade mark or other distinguishing mark on it by which the person is held out to be its manufacturer or originator.

Measurement and verification of emission levels

14.—(1) The tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions from cigarettes must be measured in accordance with standards ISO 4387 for tar, ISO 10315 for nicotine, and ISO 8454 for carbon monoxide.

(2) The accuracy of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide measurements must be determined in accordance with standard ISO 8243.

(3) The Secretary of State must—

(a)approve and monitor one or more laboratories (“approved laboratories”) which must not be owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the tobacco industry; and

(b)arrange for an approved laboratory to verify the measurements referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2).

(4) For the purpose of enabling the Secretary of State to perform functions under paragraph (3)(b), a person who produces cigarettes, or manufactures cigarettes for export must provide to the Secretary of State (or to such person as the Secretary of State may specify) such samples, at such times and intervals and from such sources, as the Secretary of State may reasonably require.

No flavoured cigarettes or hand rolling tobacco etc.

15.—(1) No person may produce or supply cigarettes or hand rolling tobacco with a characterising flavour.

(2) No person may produce or supply cigarettes or hand rolling tobacco with—

(a)a filter, paper, package, capsule or other component containing flavourings;

(b)a filter, paper or capsule containing tobacco or nicotine; or

(c)a technical feature allowing the consumer to modify the smell, taste, or smoke intensity of the product.

No vitamins, colourings or prohibited additives in tobacco products

16.—(1) No person may produce or supply a tobacco product containing—

(a)vitamins or other additives that create the impression that a tobacco product has a health benefit or presents reduced health risks;

(b)caffeine, taurine or other additives and stimulant compounds that are associated with energy and vitality;

(c)additives which have colouring effects on emissions; or

(d)in the case of tobacco products for smoking, additives that facilitate inhalation or nicotine uptake.

(2) No person may produce or supply a tobacco product containing—

(a)additives that have CMR properties in unburnt form; or

(b)additives in quantities that increase, to a significant or measurable degree, the toxic or addictive effect or CMR properties of the product when it is consumed.

(3) Nothing in this regulation prohibits the use of an additive which is essential for the manufacture of a tobacco product (for example, sugar when it is used to replace sugar that is lost during the curing process), provided that the additive does not result in a product with a characterising flavour, and does not increase to a significant or measurable degree, the toxic effect, addictive effect or CMR properties of the product when it is consumed.

Tobacco for oral use

17.  No person may produce or supply tobacco for oral use.