2016 No. 298

National Health Service, England

The National Health Service (Primary Dental Services –Miscellaneous Amendments and Directions to the NHS Business Services Authority) Regulations 2016


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Secretary of State for Health makes these Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 7(1), 104, 109, 272(7) and (8) and 273(4)(b)(zi) of the National Health Service Act 20061.

The Secretary of State has consulted the National Health Service Commissioning Board2 in accordance with section 7(1B) of that Act3.

PART 1Introductory

Citation, commencement and interpretation1


These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Service (Primary Dental Services – Miscellaneous Amendments and Directions to the NHS Business Services Authority) Regulations 2016 and come into force on 1st April 2016.


In these Regulations—

  • “the GDS Regulations” means the National Health Service (General Dental Services Contracts) Regulations 20054; and

  • “the PDS Regulations” means the National Health Service (Personal Dental Services Agreements) Regulations 20055.

PART 2Amendment of the GDS Regulations

Amendment of regulation 2 of the GDS Regulations2

In regulation 2(1) of the GDS Regulations (interpretation)6, after the definition of “case assessment” insert—

  • “CDS prototype contractor” means a contractor who has elected to enter into a prototype agreement under which primary dental services are secured for, and provided to, persons who cannot easily access such services;

Amendment of regulation 17 of the GDS Regulations3

In regulation 17 of the GDS Regulations (units of dental activity)7, in paragraphs (1) and (2), for “regulations 24B and 24C” substitute “regulation 24C”.

Amendment of regulation 18A of the GDS Regulations4

In regulation 18A of the GDS Regulations (units of dental activity for contractors who elect to enter into a prototype agreement)8


at the beginning of paragraph (1), for “Where a contractor” substitute “Subject to paragraph (3), where a contractor”; and


after paragraph (2), insert—


This regulation does not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of regulation 18B of the GDS Regulations5

In regulation 18B of the GDS Regulations (capitated patient figures for contractors who elect to enter into a prototype agreement)9, after “has elected to enter into a prototype agreement”, insert “except where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor,”.

Amendment of regulation 18C of the GDS Regulations6

In regulation 18C of the GDS Regulations (capitated patients)10


at the beginning of paragraph (1), for “Where a contractor” substitute “Subject to paragraph (3), where a contractor”; and


after paragraph (2), insert—


This regulation does not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of regulation 21 of the GDS Regulations7

In regulation 21 of the GDS Regulations (finance)11, in paragraphs (1) and (3), for “regulations 24B and 24C” substitute “regulation 24C”.

Insertion of new regulation 21A into the GDS Regulations8

After regulation 21 of the GDS Regulations (finance), insert—

Publication of information about earnings21A


Using the information that it has obtained to make the payments to contractors mentioned in regulation 21(1)(a), the Board must publish the information specified in paragraph (2).


The information specified in this paragraph is, in respect of each contract—


the number of dental performers who during the previous financial year performed services under the contract;


a figure representing the aggregate net pensionable earnings in respect of the previous financial year of those dental performers under the contract, taking into account the amount by which the employing authority of those performers would reduce those earnings to take account of expenses; and


an average figure of net pensionable earnings of each performer based on the figures referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b).


In relation to the financial year ending on 31st March 2015, the information specified in paragraph (2) must be published by 31st May 2016, and for each subsequent financial year, it must be published before the end of the financial year following the financial year to which the information relates.


The NHSBSA is directed to perform the Board’s functions under this regulation, and must publish the information on its website12 in such form and such manner as it sees fit.


For the purposes of this regulation, net pensionable earnings are to be calculated in accordance with paragraph 3(2B) (meaning of pensionable earnings) of Schedule 2 (medical and dental practitioners) to the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 199513, regulation 3.A.7(4) (meaning of pensionable earnings) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 200814 and paragraph 3 (dental practitioner) of Schedule 10 (practitioner income) to the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 201515.


For the purposes of this regulation—

  • “dental performer” means a dental practitioner whose name is included in the dental performers list;

  • “employing authority” has the meaning given in—

    1. a

      regulation A2 (interpretation) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 199516;

    2. b

      regulation 2.A.1 (interpretation: general) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 200817; and

    3. c

      regulation 33(6) (contributions by employing authorities) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 2015; and

  • “the NHSBSA” means the NHS Business Services Authority (Awdurdod Gwasanaethau Busnes y GIG)18;

Amendment of regulation 24 of the GDS Regulations9

In regulation 24 of the GDS Regulations (other contractual terms)19, in paragraph (1), for “regulation 24B” substitute “regulation 24C”.

Revocation of regulation 24B of the GDS Regulations10

Regulation 24B of the GDS Regulations (variation of contractual terms in respect of election to enter into a Capitation and Quality Scheme 2 Agreement)20 is revoked.

Amendment of regulation 24C of the GDS Regulations11

In regulation 24C of the GDS Regulations (variation of contractual terms in respect of election to enter into a prototype agreement)21


at the beginning of paragraph (1), for “This regulation applies” substitute “Subject to paragraph (6), this regulation applies”; and


after paragraph (5), insert—


Sub-paragraphs (b) and (d) of paragraph (3) do not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of Schedule 2A to the GDS Regulations12

In Schedule 2A to the GDS Regulations (provision of services where a contractor has elected to enter into a prototype agreement)22, after paragraph (6), insert—


This Schedule does not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of paragraph 43A of Schedule 3 to the GDS Regulations13

In Schedule 3 to the GDS Regulations (other contractual terms), in paragraph 43A (notification provisions specific to prototype agreements)23, for “The contractor shall” substitute “Where the contractor has elected to enter into a prototype agreement, apart from CDS prototype contractors, the contractor shall”.

PART 3Amendment of the PDS Regulations

Amendment of regulation 2 of the PDS Regulations14

In regulation 2(1) of the PDS Regulations (interpretation)24, after the definition of “case assessment” insert—

  • “CDS prototype contractor” means a contractor who has elected to enter into a prototype agreement under which primary dental services are secured for, and provided to, persons who cannot easily access such services;

Amendment of regulation 13 of the PDS Regulations15

In regulation 13 of the PDS Regulations (units of dental activity)25, in paragraphs (1) and (2), for “regulations 20B and 20C” substitute “regulation 20C”.

Amendment of regulation 14A of the PDS Regulations16

In regulation 14A of the PDS Regulations (units of dental activity for contractors who elect to enter into a prototype agreement)26


at the beginning of paragraph (1), for “Where a contractor” substitute “Subject to paragraph (3), where a contractor”; and


after paragraph (2), insert—


This regulation does not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of regulation 14B of the PDS Regulations17

In regulation 14B of the PDS Regulations (capitated patient figures for contractors who elect to enter into a prototype agreement)27, after “has elected to enter into a prototype agreement”, insert “except where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor,”.

Amendment of regulation 14C of the PDS Regulations18

In regulation 14C of the PDS Regulations (capitated patients)28


at the beginning of paragraph (1), for “Where a contractor” substitute “Subject to paragraph (3), where a contractor”; and


after paragraph (2), insert—


This regulation does not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of regulation 17 of the PDS Regulations19

In regulation 17 of the PDS Regulations (finance)29, in paragraphs (1) and (3), for “regulations 20B and 20C” substitute “regulation 20C”.

Insertion of new regulation 17A into the PDS Regulations20

After regulation 17 of the PDS Regulations (finance), insert—

Publication of information about earnings17A


Using the information that it has obtained to make the payments to contractors mentioned in regulation 17(1)(a), the Board must publish the information specified in paragraph (2).


The information specified in this paragraph is, in respect of each agreement—


the number of dental performers who during the previous financial year performed services under the agreement;


a figure representing the aggregate net pensionable earnings in respect of the previous financial year of those dental performers under the agreement, taking into account the amount by which the employing authority of those performers would reduce those earnings to take account of expenses; and


an average figure of net pensionable earnings of each performer based on the figures referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b).


In relation to the financial year ending on 31st March 2015, the information specified in paragraph (2) must be published by 31st May 2016; and for each subsequent financial year, it must be published before the end of the financial year following the financial year to which the information relates.


The NHSBSA is directed to perform the Board’s functions under this regulation, and must publish the information on its website 30 in such form and such manner as it sees fit.


For the purposes of this regulation, net pensionable earnings are to be calculated in accordance with paragraph 3(2B) (meaning of pensionable earnings) of Schedule 2 (medical and dental practitioners) to the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 199531, regulation 3.A.7(4) (meaning of pensionable earnings) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 200832 and paragraph 3 (dental practitioner) of Schedule 10 (practitioner income) to the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 201533.


For the purposes of this regulation—

  • “dental performer” means a dental practitioner whose name is included in the dental performers list;

  • “employing authority” has the meaning given in—

    1. a

      regulation A2 (interpretation) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 199534;

    2. b

      regulation 2.A.1 (interpretation: general) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 200835; and

    3. c

      regulation 33(6) (contributions by employing authorities) of the National Health Service Pension Scheme Regulations 2015; and

  • “the NHSBSA” means the NHS Business Services Authority (Awdurdod Gwasanaethau Busnes y GIG)36;

Amendment of regulation 20 of the PDS Regulations21

In regulation 20 of the PDS Regulations (other contractual terms)37, in paragraph (1), for “regulation 20B” substitute “regulation 20C”.

Revocation of regulation 20B of the PDS Regulations22

Regulation 20B of the PDS Regulations (variation of contractual terms in respect of election to enter into a Capitation and Quality Scheme 2 Agreement)38 is revoked.

Amendment of regulation 20C of the PDS Regulations23

In regulation 20C of the PDS Regulations (variation of contractual terms in respect of election to enter into a prototype agreement)39


at the beginning of paragraph (1), for “This regulation applies” substitute “Subject to paragraph (6), this regulation applies”; and


after paragraph (5), insert—


Sub-paragraphs (b) and (d) of paragraph (3) do not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of Schedule 2A to the PDS Regulations24

In Schedule 2A to the PDS Regulations (provision of services where a contractor has elected to enter into a prototype agreement)40, after paragraph (6), insert—


This Schedule does not apply where the contractor is a CDS prototype contractor.

Amendment of paragraph 43A of Schedule 3 to the PDS Regulations25

In Schedule 3 to the PDS Regulations (other contractual terms), in paragraph 43A (notification provisions specific to prototype agreements)41, for “The contractor shall” substitute “Where the contractor has elected to enter into a prototype agreement, except for CDS prototype contractors, the contractor shall”.

PART 4Amendment of the National Health Service (Primary Dental Services) (Miscellaneous Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2013

Amendment of the National Health Service (Primary Dental Services) (Miscellaneous Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 201326

Regulations 17 (insertion of regulation 24B) and 36 (insertion of regulation 20B) of the National Health Service (Primary Dental Services) (Miscellaneous Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 201342, are revoked.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Health.

Alistair BurtMinister of State,Department of Health

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the National Health Service (General Dental Services Contracts) Regulations 2005 (the GDS Regulations), the National Health Service (Personal Dental Services Agreements) Regulations 2005 (the PDS Regulations) and the National Health Service (Primary Dental Services) (Miscellaneous Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2013 (the 2013 Regulations).

Regulations 2 and 14 respectively amend regulations 2 of the GDS Regulations and the PDS Regulations to insert a new definition.

Part 2 amends the GDS Regulations to reflect the inclusion of CDS prototype contractors into the Prototype Agreements Scheme. CDS prototype contractors are contractors who have elected to enter into a prototype agreement under which primary dental services are secured for, and provided to, persons who cannot easily access such services. Regulation 8 requires the National Health Service Commissioning Board to publish the earnings of dental practitioners who perform services under general dental services contracts and personal dental services agreements, as specified in that regulation, and directs the NHS Business Services Authority to exercise that function on behalf of the National Health Service Commissioning Board. Regulation 9 corrects a typographical error. Regulation 10 revokes regulation 24B which implemented the Capitation and Quality Scheme 2 as the Scheme terminates on 31st March 2016.

Part 3 makes amendments to the PDS Regulations which mirror those made to the GDS Regulations.

Part 4 revokes regulations in the 2013 Regulations which implemented the Capitation and Quality Scheme 2 in 2013.