SCHEDULE 2Permitted development rights

PART 7Non-domestic extensions, alterations etc

Class B – construction of shop trolley stores

Development not permittedB.1

Development is not permitted by Class B if—


the gross floor space of the building or enclosure erected would exceed 20 square metres;


any part of the building or enclosure erected would be—


within 20 metres of any boundary of the curtilage of; or


above or below,

any building used for any purpose within Part C (residential premises or institutions) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order or as a hostel;


the height of the building or enclosure would exceed 2.5 metres;


the development would be within the curtilage of a listed building; or


the development would be between a shop front and a highway where the distance between the shop front and the boundary of the curtilage of the premises is less than 5 metres.