SCHEDULE 3Requirements that a competent authority must be satisfied that the body meets


8.  Subject to paragraphs 9 and 10, in relation to an alternative dispute resolution procedure which aims at resolving a dispute by proposing a solution, the body ensures that the parties—

(a)have the possibility of withdrawing from the alternative dispute resolution procedure at any stage if they are dissatisfied with the performance or operation of the alternative dispute resolution procedure;

(b)before the alternative dispute resolution procedure commences, are informed of their right to withdraw from the alternative dispute resolution procedure at any stage;

(c)are informed, before agreeing to or following the proposed solution—

(i)that they have a choice as to whether or not to agree to, or follow, the proposed solution;

(ii)that their participation in the alternative dispute resolution procedure does not preclude the possibility of them seeking redress through court proceedings;

(iii)that the proposed solution may be different from an outcome determined by a court applying legal rules; and

(iv)of the legal effect of agreeing to, or following the proposed solution;

(d)before expressing their consent to a proposed solution or amicable agreement, are allowed a reasonable period of time to reflect.