The Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm Order 2015

Pre-construction plans and documentation

9.  The licensed activities or any phase of those activities must not commence until the following (insofar as relevant to that activity or phase of activity) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the MMO—

(a)a plan to be agreed in writing with the MMO following consultation with Trinity House and the MCA which shows—

(i)the number, specifications and dimensions of the wind turbine generators;

(ii)the proposed location, including grid co-ordinates and choice of foundation types for all wind turbine generators, offshore platforms and meteorological stations;

(iii)the dimensions of all monopole, multi-leg and gravity base foundations, if used; and

(iv)the proposed layout of HVAC cables,

to ensure conformity with the description of Work No. 1B and compliance with Conditions 3 to 5;

(b)a detailed construction and monitoring programme to include details of—

(i)the proposed construction commencement date;

(ii)proposed timings for mobilisation of plant, delivery of materials and installation works; and

(iii)proposed pre-construction surveys, a proposed format and content for a baseline report, construction monitoring, post-construction monitoring and related reporting in accordance with Conditions 14, 15 and 16. The pre-construction survey programme and all pre-construction survey methodologies must be submitted to the MMO for written approval at least 4 months before commencement of any survey works detailed within;

(c)a construction method statement in accordance with the construction methods assessed in the environmental statement to include details of—

(i)drilling methods and disposal of drill arisings;

(ii)turbine, meteorological mast and platform location and installation, including scour protection and foundations;

(iii)cable installation;

(iv)impact piling including soft start procedures;

(v)the source of rock material used in construction and method to minimise contaminants and fines;


(vii)vessels; and

(viii)associated works;

(d)a project environmental management and monitoring plan to include details of—

(i)a marine pollution contingency plan to address the risks, methods and procedures to deal with any spills and collision incidents during construction and operation of the authorised scheme in relation to all activities carried out;

(ii)a chemical risk assessment to include information regarding how and when chemicals are to be used, stored and transported in accordance with recognised best practice guidance;

(iii)waste management and disposal arrangements including arrangements to ensure no waste concrete slurry or wash water from concrete or cement work is discharged;

(iv)the fisheries liaison officer appointed by the undertaker (to be notified to the District Marine Officer for the MMO’s Northern District). Evidence of liaison must be collated so that signatures of attendance at meetings, agenda and minutes of meetings with the fishing industry can be provided to the MMO if requested; and

(v)a fisheries liaison plan in accordance with the draft fisheries liaison plan to include information on liaison with the fishing industry (including by the fisheries liaison officer referred to in sub-paragraph (iv)) and a co-existence plan;

(e)a marine mammal mitigation protocol, the intention of which is to prevent, amongst other things, injury to marine mammals, primarily auditory injury within the vicinity of any piling, and appropriate monitoring surveys in accordance with the In Principle Monitoring Plan to be agreed in writing with the MMO in consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body;

(f)a cable specification and installation plan following consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation body, to include—

(i)technical specification of offshore cables, including a desk-based assessment of attenuation of electro-magnetic field strengths, shielding and cable burial depth in accordance with industry good practice;

(ii)a staged cable-laying plan for the Order limits, incorporating a burial risk assessment to ascertain suitable burial depths and cable-laying techniques;

(iii)a scour protection management and cable protection plan providing details of the need, type, sources, quality and installation methods for scour protection and cable protection; and

(iv)details of the methodology and extent of post-lay surveys, to confirm burial depths; and

(g)a written scheme of archaeological investigation in relation to offshore areas within the Order limits in accordance with Chapter 18 Appendix B of the environmental statement, industry good practice and after discussions with English Heritage to include—

(i)details of the responsibilities of the undertaker, archaeological consultant and contractor;

(ii)a methodology for any further site investigation including any specifications for geophysical, geotechnical and diver- or remotely-operated vehicle investigations;

(iii)within 3 months of any surveys being completed a timetable to be submitted to the MMO setting out the timeframe for the analysis and reporting of survey data;

(iv)delivery of any mitigation including, where necessary, archaeological exclusion zones;

(v)monitoring during and post-construction, including a conservation programme for finds;

(vi)archiving of archaeological material including ensuring that a copy of any agreed archaeological report is deposited with the English Heritage archive by submitting an English Heritage OASIS form with a digital copy of the report; and

(vii)a reporting and recording protocol, including reporting of any wreck or wreck material during construction, operation and decommissioning of the authorised scheme.