The Public Contracts Regulations 2015


Scope of Chapter 5

85.  This Chapter applies to contracts and framework agreements falling within the scope of Part 2.

Notices of decisions to award a contract or conclude a framework agreement

86.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (5) and (6), a contracting authority shall send to each candidate and tenderer a notice communicating its decision to award the contract or conclude the framework agreement.

Content of notices

(2) Where it is to be sent to a tenderer, the notice referred to in paragraph (1) shall include—

(a)the criteria for the award of the contract;

(b)the reasons for the decision, including the characteristics and relative advantages of the successful tender, the score (if any) obtained by—

(i)the tenderer which is to receive the notice; and

(ii)the tenderer—

(aa)to be awarded the contract, or

(bb)to become a party to the framework agreement,

and anything required by paragraph (3);

(c)the name of the tenderer—

(i)to be awarded the contract, or

(ii)to become a party to the framework agreement; and

(d)a precise statement of either—

(i)when, in accordance with regulation 87, the standstill period is expected to end and, if relevant, how the timing of its ending might be affected by any and, if so what, contingencies, or

(ii)the date before which the contracting authority will not, in conformity with regulation 87 enter into the contract or conclude the framework agreement.

(3) The reasons referred to in paragraph (2)(b) shall include the reason for any decision by the contracting authority that the economic operator did not meet the technical specifications—

(a)in an equivalent manner as mentioned in regulation 42(14); or

(b)because compliance with a standard, approval, specification or system mentioned in regulation 42(15) does not address the performance or functional requirements laid down by the contracting authority.

(4) Where it is to be sent to a candidate, the notice referred to in paragraph (1) shall include—

(a)the reasons why the candidate was unsuccessful; and

(b)the information mentioned in paragraph (2), but as if the words “and relative advantages” were omitted from sub-paragraph (b).


(5) A contracting authority need not comply with paragraph (1) in any of the following cases:—

(a)where the contract or framework agreement is permitted by Part 2 to be awarded or concluded without prior publication of a contract notice;

(b)where the only tenderer is the one who is to be awarded the contract or who is to become a party to the framework agreement, and there are no candidates;

(c)where the contracting authority awards a contract under a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system.

(6) A contracting authority may withhold any information to be provided in accordance with the preceding requirements of this regulation where the release of such information—

(a)would impede law enforcement or would otherwise be contrary to the public interest;

(b)would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of a particular economic operator, whether public or private; or

(c)might prejudice fair competition between economic operators.

Meaning of “candidate” and “tenderer”

(7) In this regulation,—

(a)candidate” means a candidate, as defined in regulation 2(1), which—

(i)is not a tenderer, and

(ii)has not been informed of the rejection of its application and the reasons for it;

(b)tenderer” means a tenderer, as defined in regulation 2(1), which has not been definitively excluded.

(8) For the purposes of paragraph (7)(b), an exclusion is definitive if, and only if, the tenderer has been notified of the exclusion and either—

(a)the exclusion has been held to be lawful in proceedings under Chapter 6; or

(b)the time limit for starting such proceedings has expired even on the assumption that the Court would have granted the maximum extension permitted by regulation 92(4) and (5).

Standstill period

87.—(1) Where regulation 86(1) applies, the contracting authority must not enter into the contract or conclude the framework agreement before the end of the standstill period.

(2) Where the contracting authority sends a regulation 86 notice to all the relevant economic operators by facsimile or electronic means, the standstill period ends at midnight at the end of the 10th day after the relevant sending date.

(3) Where the contracting authority sends a regulation 86 notice to all the relevant economic operators only by other means, the standstill period ends at whichever of the following occurs first:—

(a)midnight at the end of the 15th day after the relevant sending date;

(b)midnight at the end of 10th day after the date on which the last of the economic operators to receive such a notice receives it.

(4) In paragraphs (2) and (3), “the relevant sending date” means the date on which the regulation 86 notice is sent to the relevant economic operators, and if the notices are sent to different relevant economic operators on different dates, the relevant sending date is the date on which the last of the notices is sent.

(5) Where the contracting authority sends the regulation 86 notice to one or more of the relevant economic operators by facsimile or electronic means and to the others by other means, the standstill period ends at whichever of the following two times occurs latest:—

(a)midnight at the end of the 10th day after the date on which the last notice is sent by facsimile or electronic means;

(b)the time when whichever of the following occurs first:—

(i)midnight at the end of the 15th day after the date on which the last notice is sent by other means;

(ii)midnight at the end of the 10th day after the date on which the last of the economic operators to receive a notice sent by any such other means receives it.

(6) In this regulation—

regulation 86 notice” means a notice given in accordance with regulation 86; and

relevant economic operators” means economic operators to which regulation 86 requires a notice to be sent.