
PART 3General requirements applicable to all licensed performances or activities


13.—(1) The licensing authority must not grant a licence unless it—

(a)is satisfied that the child’s education will not suffer by reason of taking part in the performances or activities;

(b)has approved the arrangements (if any) for the education of the child during the period to which the licence applies; and

(c)has approved the place where the child is to receive education, subject to such conditions as it considers necessary to ensure that the place is suitable for the child’s education.

(2) The licence holder must ensure that any arrangements approved by the licensing authority for the child’s education are carried out.

(3) The licensing authority must not approve any arrangements for the education of a child by a private teacher unless it is satisfied that—

(a)the proposed course of study for the child is satisfactory;

(b)the proposed course of study will be properly taught by the private teacher;

(c)the private teacher is a suitable person to teach the child in question;

(d)the private teacher will teach no more than six children (including the child in question) at any time, or twelve children if all the children being taught have reached a similar standard in the subject being taught to the child in question; and

(e)the child will, during the period to which the licence applies, receive education for periods, which when aggregated, total not less than three hours on each day on which the child would be required to attend school if the child were attending a school maintained by the licensing authority.

(4) The requirements of paragraph (3)(e) are deemed to have been met if the licensing authority is satisfied that the child will receive education—

(a)for not less than six hours a week;

(b)during each complete period of four weeks, or if there is a period of less than four weeks, during that period, for periods not less than the aggregate periods of education required by paragraph (3)(e) in respect of the period;

(c)on days on which the child would be required to attend school if the child were a pupil attending a school maintained by the licensing authority; and

(d)for not more than five hours on any such day.

(5) For the purposes of this regulation, any period of education does not include—

(a)any period which takes place other than during the hours when a child is permitted to be present at a place of performance or rehearsal under regulation 21; and

(b)any period of less than thirty minutes.