

PART 5Premises of and accommodation at schools

22.  The standards about the premises of and accommodation at the school are those contained in this Part.

23.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), the standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that—

(a)suitable toilet and washing facilities are provided for the sole use of pupils;

(b)separate toilet facilities for boys and girls aged 8 years or over are provided except where the toilet facility is provided in a room that can be secured from the inside and that is intended for use by one pupil at a time; and

(c)suitable changing accommodation and showers are provided for pupils aged 11 years or over at the start of the school year who receive physical education.

(2) Where separate facilities are provided under sub-paragraph (1)(a) for pupils who are disabled, they may also be used by other pupils, staff, supply staff, volunteers and visitors, whether or not they are disabled.

24.—(1) The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that suitable accommodation is provided in order to cater for the medical and therapy needs of pupils, including—

(a)accommodation for the medical examination and treatment of pupils;

(b)accommodation for the short term care of sick and injured pupils, which includes a washing facility and is near to a toilet facility; and

(c)where a school caters for pupils with complex needs, additional medical accommodation which caters for those needs.

(2) The accommodation provided under sub-paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) may be used for other purposes (apart from teaching) provided it is always readily available to be used for the purposes set out in sub-paragraphs (1)(a) and (b).

(3) For the purposes of sub-paragraph (1)(c), a pupil has “complex needs” if the pupil has profound and multiple learning difficulties in addition to other significant difficulties, such as a physical disability or sensory impairment, which require provision which is additional to or different from that generally required by children of the same age in schools other than special schools or by children with special requirements.

25.  The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that the school premises and the accommodation and facilities provided therein are maintained to a standard such that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of pupils are ensured.

26.  The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that the acoustic conditions and sound insulation of each room or other space are suitable, having regard to the nature of the activities which normally take place therein.

27.  The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that—

(a)the lighting in each room or other internal space is suitable, having regard to the nature of the activities which normally take place therein; and

(b)external lighting is provided in order to ensure that people can safely enter and leave the school premises.

28.—(1) The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that—

(a)suitable drinking water facilities are provided;

(b)toilets and urinals have an adequate supply of cold water and washing facilities have an adequate supply of hot and cold water;

(c)cold water supplies that are suitable for drinking are clearly marked as such; and

(d)the temperature of hot water at the point of use does not pose a scalding risk to users.

(2) The facilities provided under sub-paragraph (1)(a) will be suitable only if—

(a)they are readily accessible at all times when the premises are in use; and

(b)they are in a separate area from the toilet facilities.

29.—(1) The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that suitable outdoor space is provided in order to enable—

(a)physical education to be provided to pupils in accordance with the school curriculum; and

(b)pupils to play outside.

(2) Sub-paragraph (1) does not apply in relation to an alternative provision Academy.

30.  The standard in this paragraph is met if the proprietor ensures that, where the school provides accommodation, regard is had to Standard 5 of the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools or, where applicable, Standard 5 of the National Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools.

31.  For the purposes of this Part—

(a)“physical education” includes the playing of games;

(b)any requirement that anything provided under this Part must be “suitable” means that it must be suitable for the pupils in respect of whom it is provided, having regard to their ages, numbers and sex and any special requirements they may have; and

(c)a pupil has “special requirements” if the pupil has any needs arising from physical, medical, sensory, learning, emotional or behavioural difficulties which require provision which is additional to or different from that generally required by children of the same age in schools other than special schools.