SCHEDULE 3Band 1A Charges – Interim Care

Regulation 52

SCHEDULE 1ABand 1A Charges – Interim Care

Regulation 13A

  1. a

    the giving of specific advice in relation to diet, hygiene, personal habits and oral health in respect of a person to enable that person to be aware and to be able to take steps to prevent dental and oral disease;

  2. b

    the giving of instructions on techniques and practice required by a person in relation to their dental hygiene to enable that person to improve their dental health and prevent oral disease;

  3. c

    checking a person’s compliance in relation to the self care plan proposed at the oral health assessment or oral health review;

  4. d

    the provision of a prescription for high fluoride toothpaste or mouth rinse if considered required (when delivered together with one or more of (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) or (g);

  5. e

    the surface application of primary preventive measures such as topical fluoride varnish applications, and fissure sealants if required and necessary;

  6. f

    scaling and polishing if required;

  7. g

    follow up root surface debridement if required.