SCHEDULE 1Transitional provisions relating to GMS contracts

Regulation 29

Application of Schedule 11

This Schedule applies to a GMS contract which is entered into before the appointed day, and the parties to the contract on or after the appointed day are the Contractor and the Board as a consequence of a property scheme transfer made under section 300 of the 2012 Act.


In this Schedule—

  • 2012 Act” means the Health and Social Care Act 201234;

  • 2006 Act” means the National Health Service Act 2006;

  • “the appointed day” means 1st April 2013;

  • “the Board” means the National Health Service Commissioning Board 35;

  • “contractor” means—

    1. a

      in relation to a period before the appointed day, a party to a GMS contract, other than the Primary Care Trust; or

    2. b

      in relation to a period on or after the appointed day, a party to the GMS contract, other than the Board;

  • GMS contract” means a contract entered into in accordance with section 84 of the 2006 Act36;

  • “out of hours services” has the same meaning as in regulation 2 (interpretation) of the GMS Contracts Regulations;

  • “Primary Care Trust” means the Primary Care Trust which was established and which subsisted immediately before the coming into force of section 34 (abolition of Primary Care Trusts) of the 2012 Act;

  • “Strategic Health Authority” means the Strategic Health Authority which was established and which subsisted immediately before the coming into force of section 33 (abolition of Strategic Health Authorities) of the 2012 Act.

General transitional provisions relating to the terms of a GMS contract3


The Contractor and the Board must as soon as is reasonably practicable on or after the appointed day, enter into discussions with each other with a view to agreeing variations to the GMS contract in order to ensure that the contract complies with the GMS Contracts Regulations on or after the appointed day.


Where the terms of the GMS contract have not been varied so as to include the terms which have the same effect as those terms specified in these Regulations, the GMS contract is deemed to have been so varied only to the extent that such terms are to have the same effect as those terms specified in these Regulations which have effect on or after the appointed day.


The Contractor and the Board may not agree any variation to the GMS contract that is contrary to the GMS Contracts Regulations on or after the appointed day.

Continuing validity of forms4

A form supplied by a Primary Care Trust continues to be a valid form in relation to the Board until it is cancelled or withdrawn by the Board.

Notification of reasons by a Primary Care Trust in respect of entering into contracts5

Where a Primary Care Trust has given notification to a person under regulation 6 (reasons) of the GMS Contracts Regulations before the appointed day, the notification and the written views contained in that notification are to be treated, on or after that day, as notification by the Board and the written views of the Board.

Appeals relating to eligibility to enter into a contract6

A person who has been served notice pursuant to regulation 6 of the GMS Contracts Regulations before the appointed day may on or after that day appeal to the First-tier Tribunal against the decision of the Primary Care Trust and that appeal must be treated as an appeal against a decision of the Board.


Any right that a Primary Care Trust had to set off against any amount payable to the contractor under the term that gives effect to regulation 22 (finance) of the GMS Contracts Regulations immediately before the appointed day, must be treated as a right of the Board under the term that gives effect to that regulation on or after the appointed day.

Opt outs of additional and out of hours services8


Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph, a notification or approval given, or an agreement made, by a Primary Care Trust in accordance with the term of the contract that gives effect to—


regulation 17 (opt outs of additional and out of hours services) of the GMS Contracts Regulations;


regulation 31(3)(b) (out of hours services) of the GMS Contracts Regulations; or


paragraph 4 (out of hours opt outs where the opt out notice is served after 30th September 2004) of Schedule 3 to the GMS Contracts Regulations,

in respect of a period that commences on or after the appointed day, must be regarded for the purposes of the term of the GMS contract that give effect to that regulation or that paragraph as a notification or approval given, or agreement made, by the Board and is binding on the Board as if such notification or approval were given, or agreement were made, by it.


Where a contractor informs the relevant Primary Care Trust that it wishes to withdraw an out of hours opt out notice where it has been approved by the Primary Care Trust and the Primary Care Trust has not agreed to the withdrawal before the appointed day, the Board may, if it considers it appropriate, agree to the withdrawal of the out of hours opt out notice as if it had approved the notice.

Continuing application of published guidance and other documents9

Where as a consequence of paragraph 11 (standards for out of hours services) or 125 (compliance with legislation and guidance) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations a contractual term in a GMS contract requires a contractor to meet requirements set out in a document or have regard to, or comply with, guidance published before the appointed day which has effect immediately before that day, that contractual term continues to apply in respect of such documents and guidance on or after the appointed day—


as if references to a Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority in that document or guidance were to the Board; and


until such time as the Board, or as the case may be, the Secretary of State, cancels or withdraws the document or guidance.

Arrangements for GP Registrars10

A contractor which employs a GP Registrar in accordance with paragraph 64 (arrangements for GP Registrars) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations immediately before the appointed day must continue to employ that GP Registrar and may only vary the terms and conditions to the extent necessary to comply with that paragraph and any other relevant provision relating to the 2006 Act which have effect on or after the appointed day.

Sub-contracting of clinical matters11


A notification made to a Primary Care Trust by a contractor under the term of contract that had the same effect as the provision in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 69 (sub-contracting of clinical matters) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, must be treated as notification to the Board.


Notwithstanding a Primary Care Trust’s request for further information in accordance with the term of the GMS contract that had the same effect as the provision in paragraph 69(4) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, the Board may request such further information from the contractor relating to the proposed sub-contract if it considers it necessary in order to deal with the matter.


Where a Primary Care Trust served notice of objection to the sub-contract in accordance with the term of the contract that had the same effect as the provision in paragraph 69(5) of the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, that notice and the reasons for objection is deemed to be notice of objection by, and reasons of, the Board.


Where a Primary Care Trust has not objected to a proposed sub-contract and the 28 day period referred to in the term of the contract that had the same effect as the provision in paragraph 69(5) of the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day has elapsed on or after that date, the Board and the contractor are deemed as having agreed a variation of the contract in accordance with paragraph 69(8) of the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day.

Sub-contracting of out of hours services12


A written approval given by a Primary Care Trust to a contractor in respect of the term of the contract that had the same effect as the provision in paragraph 70(1) (sub-contracting of out of hours services) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, must be treated as an approval given by the Board.


An application for approval made by a contractor to a Primary Care Trust under the term of the contract that has the same effect as the provisions in paragraph 70(1) and (3) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day which is pending, must be treated as an application made to the Board.


Notwithstanding a Primary Care Trust’s request for further information in accordance with the term of the contract that has the same effect as the provision in paragraph 70(4) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, the Board may request such further information from the contractor relating to the proposed arrangements if it considers it necessary in order to deal with the matter.


Where a Primary Care Trust informed the contractor by notice of its decision in accordance with the term of the contract that had the same effect as the provision in paragraph 70(7) of the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, that notice and (where it refuses an application) the statement of reasons for refusal is to be deemed as notice by, and (where there has been a refusal) the statement of reasons for refusal of, the Board.

Withdrawal and variation of approval relating to sub-contracting out of hours services13

The Board may, at any stage, serve notice on a contractor withdrawing or varying an approval which was given by a Primary Care Trust in accordance with the term of the contract that had the same effect as paragraph 70(3) of the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, and for the purposes of the term of the contract that has the same effect as paragraphs 71 (withdrawal and variation of approval under paragraph 70) and 72 of the GMS Contracts Regulations, the approval is deemed to be approval by the Board.

Records, information, notifications and rights of entry14


Where a Primary Care Trust gave consent, authorisation or notification or made a request under a term of the GMS contract that had the same effect as the provisions in Part 5 (records, information, notification and rights of entry) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, such consent, authorisation, notification or request is deemed to be that of the Board for the purposes of the application of the terms of the GMS contract that have the same effect as the provisions in Part 5 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations on or after the appointed day.


The reference to a request and authorisation in paragraph (1) respectively includes any inquiries made in writing from the Primary Care Trust and appointments made by the Primary Care Trust in accordance with the terms of the GMS contract that have the same effect as the provisions in paragraph 79 (inquiries about prescriptions and referrals) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day.



This paragraph applies where a contractor has compiled a practice leaflet which complies with the requirements of paragraph 76 (practice leaflet) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations immediately before the appointed day.


Notwithstanding the requirements in paragraph 76 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day, a contractor must review its practice leaflet and make any amendments necessary so as to include the information specified in Schedule 10 to the GMS Contracts Regulations (information to be included in practice leaflets) not later than 1st July 2013.



This paragraph applies where an investigation of a complaint under the procedure referred to in paragraph 92 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations is not completed before the appointed day.


A complaint of a kind referred to in paragraph (1) must continue to be dealt with in accordance with the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 200937


as if any reference to a Primary Care Trust in a document or form relating to the complaint were a reference to the Board; and


in respect of a complaint received prior to 1st April 2009, the contractor—


must deal with the complaint as far as it is able, in accordance with those Regulations; and


may if it is unable to comply with those Regulations as a consequence of the length of time it has taken to deal with the complaint vary the procedure only to the extent that it is necessary in order to dispose of the matter in a just manner.

Co-operation with investigations17

The contractor must continue to co-operate with an investigation of a complaint which is on-going immediately before the appointed day in accordance with the terms of the GMS contract that give effect to paragraph 97 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day as if any act or omission by, or reference to, a Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority were an act or omission by, or reference to, the Board.



Any dispute arising out of or in connection with a GMS contract in respect of a contractor and Primary Care Trust that is on-going immediately before the appointed day is deemed to be a dispute in respect of that contractor and the Board.


The terms of the contract which had the same effect as the provisions in Part 7 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day continue to apply to the dispute as if references to—


subject to paragraph (c), “Primary Care Trust” were to the “Board”;


“the parties” mean to the contractor and the Board; and


“the Local Medical Committee for the area of the Primary Care Trust” were to “the Local Medical Committee for the area of the Primary Care Trust which was established and subsisted immediately before 1st April 2013”.

Variation and termination of GMS contracts19


This paragraph applies where a Primary Care Trust or a contractor has taken any steps in accordance with or in connection with a matter referred to in any of the provisions in Part 8 (variation and termination of contracts) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations before the appointed day and had it not been for the coming into force of section 34 (abolition of Primary Care Trusts) of the 2012 Act that matter would continue to fall to the Primary Care Trust to be dealt with in accordance with Part 8.


Any action taken or omission by a Primary Care Trust in accordance with or in connection with any of the provisions in Part 8 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations is deemed to be action taken or omitted by the Board for the purposes of the continuity of the application of those provisions that have effect on or after the appointed day.


Where an agreement has been reached between a contractor and a Primary Care Trust in accordance with or in connection with the provisions in Part 8 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations before the appointed day, that agreement is deemed to be an agreement made by that contractor and the Board.


Where notice has been given by the contractor to the Primary Care Trust or notice has been given by the Primary Care Trust to the contractor in accordance with or in connection with the provisions in Part 8 of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations, that notice is deemed to have been given by that contractor to the Board, or as the case may be, notice given by the Board to that contractor.


Notwithstanding the above paragraphs, the Board may, if it thinks necessary or desirable in order to dispose of a matter justly, review a decision or action taken that it is deemed to have made or taken as a consequence of this paragraph.

Consultation with the Local Medical Committee20

Where a Primary Care Trust consulted the Local Medical Committee before the appointed day in accordance with the term of the contract that had the same effect as paragraph 120 (consultation with the Local Medical Committee) of Schedule 6 to the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, the Local Medical Committee, if it has not responded to the Primary Care Trust, must respond to the Board and treat the consultation as a consultation by the Board.

Supplementary transitional provision21


Subject to the preceding provisions in this Schedule, any act or omission by, or in relation to, a Primary Care Trust before the appointed day in respect of—


the exercise of any functions of the Primary Care Trust under Part 4 of the 2006 Act; or


any rights or liabilities of the Primary Care Trust transferred as a consequence of a property transfer scheme made under section 300 of the 2012 Act,

in relation to a GMS contract, is deemed to have been an act or omission of, or in relation to the Board.


Anything which, when these Regulations take effect, is in the process of being done by, or in relation to, the Primary Care Trust in respect of, or in connection with—


the exercise by the Primary Care Trust of any of its functions under Part 4 of the 2006 Act; or


any rights or liabilities of the Primary Care Trust transferred as a consequence of a property transfer scheme made under section 300 of the 2012 Act,

is deemed to have effect as if done by, or in relation to, and may be continued by, or in relation to, the Board.


Where it is necessary for the contractor or the Board—


to take account of a period of time; or


to calculate a period of time which is required in accordance with the GMS Contracts Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day,

any period of time that occurred before the appointed day and which is relevant to the matter under consideration is to be taken into account or used in order to calculate any time period for the purposes of that consideration or applying provisions in these Regulations on or after the appointed day only if that period of time could have been taken into account or used in a calculation of a time period in respect of those mirror provisions as in force immediately before the appointed day.

SCHEDULE 2Transitional provisions relating to PMS agreements

Regulation 53

Application of Schedule 21

This Schedule applies to a PMS agreement which is entered into before the appointed day, and the parties to the agreement on or after the appointed day are the Contractor and the Board as a consequence of a property scheme transfer made under section 300 of the 2012 Act.


In this Schedule—

  • 2012 Act” means the Health and Social Care Act 201238;

  • 2006 Act” means the National Health Service Act 2006;

  • “the appointed day” means 1st April 2013;

  • “the Board” means the National Health Service Commissioning Board;

  • “contractor” means—

    1. a

      in relation to a period before the appointed day, a party to a PMS agreement, other than the Primary Care Trust; or

    2. b

      in relation to a period on or after the appointed day, a party to a PMS agreement, other than the Board;

  • “out of hours services” has the same meaning as in regulation 2 (interpretation) of the PMS Agreements Regulations;

  • “PMS agreement” means an agreement entered into in accordance with section 92 of the 2006 Act39;

  • “Primary Care Trust” means the Primary Care Trust which was established and which subsisted immediately before the coming into force of section 34 (abolition of Primary Care Trusts) of the 2012 Act; and

  • “relevant body” means—

    1. a

      in a case where the contractor is a party to a PMS agreement with a Primary Care Trust, that Primary Care Trust, and

    2. b

      in a case where the contractor is a party to a PMS agreement with a Strategic Health Authority, that Authority; and

  • “Strategic Health Authority” means the Strategic Health Authority which was established and which subsisted immediately before the coming into force of section 33 (abolition of Strategic Health Authorities) of the 2012 Act.

General Transitional provision relating to the terms of a PMS agreement3


The Contractor and the Board must as soon as is reasonably practicable on or after the appointed day, enter into discussions with each other with a view to agreeing variations to the PMS agreement in order to ensure that the agreement complies with the PMS Agreements Regulations on or after the appointed day.


Where the terms of the PMS agreement have not been varied so as to include the terms which have the same effect as those terms specified in these Regulations, the PMS agreement is deemed to have been so varied only to the extent that such terms are to have the same effect as those terms specified in these Regulations that have effect on or after on or after the appointed day.


The Contractor and the Board may not agree any variation to the PMS agreement that is contrary to the PMS Agreements Regulations on or after the appointed day.

Continuing validity of forms4

A form supplied by a relevant body continues to be a valid form in relation to the Board until it is cancelled or withdrawn by the Board.

Notification of reasons by a relevant body in respect of entering into agreements5

Where a relevant body has given notification to a person under regulation 6 (reasons) of the PMS Agreements Regulations before the appointed day, the notification and the written views contained in that notification are to be treated, on or after that day, as notification by the Board and the written views of the Board.

Appeals relating to eligibility to enter into a PMS agreement6

A person who has been served notice pursuant to regulation 6 of the PMS Agreements Regulations before the appointed day may on or after that day appeal to the First-tier Tribunal against the decision of the relevant body and that appeal must be treated as an appeal against a decision of the Board.


Any right that a relevant body had to set off against any amount payable to the contractor under the term that gives effect to regulation 13 (finance) of the PMS Agreements Regulations immediately before the appointed day, must be treated as a right of the Board under the term that gives effect to that regulation on or after the appointed day.

Opt outs of out of hours services8


Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph, a notification or approval given, or an agreement made, by a Primary Care Trust in accordance with the term of the agreement that gives effect to—


regulation 16 (opt outs of out of hours services) of the PMS Agreements Regulations; or


paragraph 1 (out of hours opt outs where the opt out notice is served after 30th September 2004) of Schedule 4 to the PMS Agreements Regulations,

in respect of a period that commences on or after the appointed day, must be regarded for the purposes of the term of the PMS agreement that gives effect to that regulation or that paragraph as a notification or approval given, or agreement made, by the Board and is binding on the Board as if such notification or approval were given, or agreement were made, by it.


Where a contractor informs the relevant Primary Care Trust that it wishes to withdraw an out of hours opt out notice where it has been approved by the Primary Care Trust and the Primary Care Trust has not agreed to the withdrawal before the appointed day, the Board may, if it considers it appropriate, agree to the withdrawal of the out of hours opt out notice as if it had approved the notice.

Right to a general medical services contract9

Where notice is given to a relevant body prior to the appointed day in accordance with regulation 19 (right to a general medical services contract) of the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, that notice must be treated as notice given to the Board for the purposes of the application of that regulation as in force on or after the appointed day.

Arrangements for GP Registrars10

A contractor which employs a GP Registrar in accordance with paragraph 63 (arrangements for GP Registrars) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations immediately before the appointed day must continue to employ that GP Registrar and may only vary the terms and conditions to the extent necessary to comply with that paragraph and any other relevant provision relating to the 2006 Act which have effect on or after the appointed day.

Continuing application of published guidance and other documents11

Where as a consequence of paragraph 9 (standards for out of hours services) or 115 (compliance with legislation and guidance) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations a contractual term in a PMS agreement requires a contractor to meet requirements set out in a document or have regard to, or comply with, guidance published before the appointed day which has effect immediately before that day, that contractual term continues to apply in respect of such documents and guidance on or after the appointed day—


as if references to a Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority in that document or guidance were to the Board; and


until such time as the Board, or as the case may be, the Secretary of State, cancels or withdraws the document or guidance.

Sub-contracting of clinical matters12


Where a contractor has informed a relevant body that it has sub-contracted its rights and has provided the relevant information in accordance with paragraph 69 (sub-contracting of clinical matters) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, the contractor is deemed to have informed the Board and provided the Board with the relevant information.


Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Board may request from the contractor such further information relating to the proposed sub-contract if it considers it necessary in order to deal with the matter.

Records, information, notifications and rights of entry13


Where a Primary Care Trust has given consent, authorisation or notification or made a request under a term of the contract that has the same effect of the provisions in Part 5 (records, information, notification and rights of entry) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day, such consent, authorisation, notification or request is deemed to be that of the Board for the purposes of the application of the terms of the contract that have the same effect as the provisions in Part 5 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations on or after the appointed day.


The reference to a request and authorisation in paragraph (1) respectively includes any inquiries made in writing from the Primary Care Trust and appointments made by the Primary Care Trust in accordance with the terms of the PMS agreement that have the same effect as the provisions in paragraph 75 (inquiries about prescriptions and referrals) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force immediately before the appointed day.



This paragraph applies where a contractor has compiled a practice leaflet which complies with the requirements of paragraph 72 (contractor’s leaflet) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations immediately before the appointed day.


Notwithstanding the requirements in paragraph 72 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day, a contractor must review its practice leaflet and make any amendments necessary so as to include the information specified in Schedule 10 to the PMS Agreements Regulations (information to be included in practice leaflets) not later than 1st July 2013.



This paragraph applies where an investigation of a complaint under the procedure referred to in paragraph 86 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations is not completed before the appointed day.


A complaint of a kind referred to in paragraph (1) must continue to be dealt with in accordance with the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 200940


as if any reference to a relevant body in a document or form relating to the complaint were a reference to the Board; and


in respect of a complaint received prior to 1st April 2009, the contractor—


must deal with the complaint as far as it is able, in accordance with those Regulations; and


may if it is unable to comply with those Regulations as a consequence of the length of time it has taken to deal with the complaint vary the procedure only to the extent that it is necessary in order to dispose of the matter in a just manner.

Co-operation with investigations16

The contractor must continue to co-operate with an investigation of a complaint which is on-going immediately before the appointed day in accordance with the terms of the PMS agreement that give effect to paragraph 91 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day as if any act or omission by, or reference to, a relevant body, Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority were an act or omission by, or reference to the Board.



Any dispute arising out of or in connection with a PMS agreement in respect of a contractor and relevant body that is on-going immediately before the appointed day is deemed to be a dispute in respect of that contractor and the Board.


The terms of the PMS agreement which have the same effect as the provisions in Part 7 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day apply to the dispute as if any act, omission by, or in relation to, the relevant body is an act, omission by, or in relation to the Board.

Variation and termination of PMS agreements18


This paragraph applies where a relevant body or a contractor has taken any steps in accordance with or in connection with a matter referred to in any of the provisions in Part 8 (variation and termination of agreements) of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations before the appointed day and had it not been for the coming into force of section 33 (abolition of Strategic Health Authorities) or section 34 (abolition of Primary Care Trusts) of the 2012 Act that matter would continue to fall to the relevant body to be dealt with in accordance with Part 8.


Any action taken or omission by a relevant body in accordance with or in connection with any of the provisions in Part 8 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations is deemed to be action taken or omitted by the Board for the purposes of the continuity of the application of those provisions that have effect on or after the appointed day.


Where an agreement has been reached between a contractor and a relevant body in accordance with or in connection with the provisions in Part 8 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations before the appointed day, that agreement is deemed to be an agreement made by that contractor and the Board.


Where notice has been given by the contractor to the relevant body or notice has been given by the relevant body to the contractor in accordance with or in connection with the provisions in Part 8 of Schedule 5 to the PMS Agreements Regulations, that notice is deemed to have been given by that contractor to the Board, or as the case may be, notice given by the Board to that contractor.


Notwithstanding the above paragraphs, the Board may, if it thinks necessary or desirable in order to dispose of a matter justly, review a decision or action taken that it is deemed to have made or taken as a consequence of this paragraph.

Supplementary transitional provision19


Subject to the preceding provisions in this Schedule, any act or omission by, or in relation to, the relevant body before the appointed day in respect of—


the exercise of any functions of the relevant body under Part 4 of the 2006 Act; or


any rights or liabilities of the relevant body transferred as a consequence of a property transfer scheme made under section 300 of the 2012 Act,

in relation to section 92 arrangements, is deemed to have been an act or omission of, or in relation to the Board.


Anything which, when these Regulations take effect, is in the process of being done by, or in relation to, the relevant body in respect of, or in connection with—


the exercise by the relevant body of any of its functions under Part 4 of the 2006 Act; or


any rights or liabilities of the relevant body transferred as a consequence of a property transfer scheme made under section 300 of the 2012 Act,

is deemed to have effect as if done by, or in relation to, and may be continued by, or in relation to, the Board.


Where it is necessary for the contractor or the Board—


to take account of a period of time; or


to calculate a period of time which is required in accordance with the PMS Agreements Regulations as in force on or after the appointed day,

any period of time that occurred before the appointed day and which is relevant to the matter under consideration is to be taken into account or used in order to calculate any time period for the purposes of that consideration or applying provisions in these Regulations on or after the appointed day only if that period of time could have been taken into account or used in a calculation of a time period in respect of those mirror provisions as in force immediately before the appointed day.