SCHEDULE 5Terms of service of NHS appliance contractors

Providing appliances7


Where an NHS appliance contractor (C) is presented with, or receives from the Electronic Prescription Service, a prescription form or a repeatable prescription, C must only provide the appliances so ordered—


if the prescription form or repeatable prescription is duly signed and completed as described in paragraph 4; and


in accordance with the order on the prescription form or repeatable prescription,

subject to any regulations in force under the Weights and Measures Act 1985 M1 and the following provisions of this Schedule.


If the order is forF2, or a product to be provided in accordance with a SSP is, an appliance of a type requiring measuring and fitting (for example a truss), C must make all necessary arrangements for—


measuring the person named on the prescription form for the appliance; and


fitting the appliance.


If the order is forF3, or a product to be provided in accordance with a SSP is, an appliance included in the Drug Tariff, the British National Formulary (including any Appendix published as part of that Formulary), the Dental Practitioner's Formulary, the European Pharmacopoeia or the British Pharmaceutical Codex, the appliance provided must comply with the standard or formula specified therein.


Where C provides an appliance under paragraph 4A, C must include with it in a written note, for the patient’s benefit, information to the effect that the product is being supplied in accordance with a SSP, identifying the particular SSP.