PART 1Membership, contributions and benefits

Survivor benefits

Death grants: active members40


If an active member dies before attaining the age of 75, an administering authority shall pay a death grant.


The appropriate administering authority may, at its absolute discretion, pay the death grant to or for the benefit of the member's nominee, personal representatives or any person appearing to the authority to have been a relative or dependent of the member.


The death grant is three times the member's annual assumed pensionable pay calculated in accordance with regulation 21(4) as at the date of the member's deathF1, but where in the opinion of an IRMP the member was at the date of death in part time service wholly or partly as a result of the condition that caused or contributed to the member’s death, no account is to be taken of any reduction in pensionable pay due to such reduction in service as is attributable to that condition.


If the administering authority has not made payments under paragraph (1) equalling in aggregate the member's death grant before the expiry of two years beginning with the date of the member's death or, where the administering authority did not know about the member's death within that period, beginning with the date on which the administering authority could reasonably be expected to have become aware of the member's death, they must pay an amount equal to the shortfall to the member's personal representatives.


In the case of an active member who is also a deferred member, pensioner member or deferred pensioner member of the Scheme, no death grant is payable under regulations 43 (death grants: deferred members) or 46 (death grants: pensioner members) but if the amount that would be payable under any of those regulations would be higher than the amount payable under this regulation, the amount payable under this regulation is that higher amount.