PART 2Applications

Applications for reserved matters

5.—(1) A relevant application for approval of reserved matters must—

(a)be made in writing to the Secretary of State on a form published by him;

(b)be accompanied by—

(i)where the application is made electronically, a copy of—

(aa)the application;

(bb)a plan which identifies the land to which the application relates;

(cc)a copy of the outline planning permission in respect of which it is made; and

(dd)such other plans, drawings and information necessary to describe the development and reserved matter which is the subject of the application; or

(ii)where the application is not made electronically, 3 copies of the documents and information referred to in paragraphs (i)(aa) to (dd).

(2) Any plans or drawings required to be provided by paragraph (1) must be drawn to an identified scale and, in the case of plans, must show the direction of North.