SCHEDULE 1Land which is not of community value (and therefore may not be listed)

Regulation 3



Subject to sub-paragraph (5) and paragraph 2, a residence together with land connected with that residence.


In this paragraph, subject to sub-paragraphs (3) and (4), land is connected with a residence if—


the land, and the residence, are owned by a single owner; and


every part of the land can be reached from the residence without having to cross land which is not owned by that single owner.


Sub-paragraph (2)(b) is satisfied where a part of the land cannot be reached from the residence by reason only of intervening land in other ownership on which there is a road, railway, river or canal, provided that the additional requirement in sub-paragraph (4) is met.


The additional requirement referred to in sub-paragraph (3) is that it is reasonable to think that sub-paragraph (2)(b) would be satisfied if the intervening land were to be removed leaving no gap.


Land which falls within sub-paragraph (1) may be listed if—


the residence is a building that is only partly used as a residence; and


but for that residential use of the building, the land would be eligible for listing.


For the purposes of paragraph 1 and this paragraph—


“residence” means a building used or partly used as a residence;


a building is a residence if—


it is normally used or partly used as a residence, but for any reason so much of it as is normally used as a residence is temporarily unoccupied;


it is let or partly let for use as a holiday dwelling;


it, or part of it, is a hotel or is otherwise principally used for letting or licensing accommodation to paying occupants; or


it is a house in multiple occupation as defined in section 77 of the Housing Act 200413; and


a building or other land is not a residence if—


it is land on which currently there are no residences but for which planning permission or development consent has been granted for the construction of residences;


it is a building undergoing construction where there is planning permission or development consent for the completed building to be used as a residence, but construction is not yet complete; or


it was previously used as a residence but is in future to be used for a different purpose and planning permission or development consent for a change of use to that purpose has been granted.


Land in respect of which a site licence is required under Part 1 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 196014, or would be so required if paragraphs 1, 4, 5 and 10 to 11A of Schedule 1 to that Act were omitted.


Operational land as defined in section 263 of the Town and Country Planning Act 199015.