The Education (Independent Educational Provision in England) (Provision of Information) Regulations 2010


2.—(1) If the proprietor(1) is an individual—

(a)the individual’s full name and any previous names by which the individual has been known; and

(b)the individual’s usual residential address, telephone number and date of birth.

(2) If the proprietor is a body of persons corporate or unincorporate—

(a)the body of persons’ name;

(b)the address and telephone number of its registered or principal office; and

(c)in relation to each member of the body of persons—

(i)their full name and any previous names by which they have been known; and

(ii)their usual residential address and date of birth.

(3) The name and address of the school, its telephone number and any e-mail address.

(4) If the school has a governing body, the full name, usual residential address and telephone number of the chair of that body.

3.—(1) A statement that the school is an independent school.

(2) The age range of students.

(3) The maximum number of students.

(4) Whether the school is for male students or female students or both.

(5) Whether the school provides accommodation for students or makes arrangements for the provision of such accommodation.

(6) Whether the school is specially organised to make special educational provision for students with special educational needs.

(7) If the school is within sub-paragraph (6), the type or types of special educational needs for which the school is specially organised to make special educational provision.

(8) A plan showing the layout of the school premises and any accommodation provided.

(9) Detailed curriculum plans, schemes of work and student assessment procedures.

(10) The written policy required by paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 to the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010(2).

(11) Particulars of the arrangements for meeting the standards contained in paragraphs 7, 10 and 12 of that Schedule.

(12) The complaints procedure required by paragraph 25 of that Schedule.

(13) Whether the proprietor intends to provide any child with accommodation at the school (or elsewhere pursuant to arrangements made by the proprietor) for more than 295 days in any year.

(14) The religious ethos of the school, if any.

(15) Whether the premises of the school, including any accommodation provided, are at two or more separate locations, and if so, the address of each of those locations.

(16) If the school is a charity, or is conducted by a charity, the name of the charity and the number under which it is registered.


By virtue of section 138(2) of the Education and Skills Act 2008 (c. 25) the reference to the proprietor includes the proprietor of a school that it is proposed should become an independent school and accordingly the information required by paragraph 3 of the Schedule to these Regulations, in the case of such a proprietor, is information about the school as it is proposed to be.