
Duty to publicise proposed provision

8.—(1) The applicant must publish a notice of the proposed provision—

(a)for at least two successive weeks in one or more local newspapers circulating in the vicinity of the additional land;

(b)once in a national newspaper;

(c)once in the London Gazette and, if land in Scotland is affected, the Edinburgh Gazette; and

(d)where the proposed provision relates to offshore development—

(i)once in Lloyd’s List; and

(ii)once in an appropriate fishing trade journal.

(2) The notice referred to in paragraph (1) must contain the following—

(a)the name and address of the applicant;

(b)a statement to the effect that an application for an order granting development consent has been made to the Commission, that the Commission has accepted the application and giving details of its the case reference number;

(c)a summary of the application, or specified matters, to which the proposed provision relates;

(d)a description of the additional land;

(e)a summary of the statement of reasons as to why the additional land is required;

(f)a statement that a copy of the proposed provision, the map, the revised draft order and any information submitted with the proposed provision are available for inspection free of charge at the places (including at least one address in the vicinity of the additional land) and the times set out in the notice;

(g)the latest date on which those documents will be available for inspection (being a date not earlier than the deadline under paragraph (j));

(h)a statement as to whether a charge will be made for copies of any of the documents and if so the amount of any charge;

(i)details of how representations (giving notice of the person’s interest in, or objection to, the proposed provision) can be made, a statement that such representations must be made on a registration form, and the address to which such representations may be sent; and

(j)a deadline for receipt of those representations by the Commission, which must not be earlier that the end of a period of at least 28 days beginning with the day after the day on which the notice is last published.