
Statutory Instruments

2007 No. 3340 (C. 138)


The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Commencement No. 18) Order 2007


26th November 2007

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 336(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003(1), hereby makes the following Order:

Citation and extent

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Commencement No. 18) Order 2007.

(2) The Order extends to Northern Ireland.

Commencement on 3rd December 2007

2.  The following provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 shall come into force on 3rd December 2007—

(a)section 328 and 332;

(b)Schedule 35, paragraphs 1, 6(1), 6(2) and 6(3), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12(a) and 12(b); and

(c)Schedule 37, Part 11.

Paul Goggins

Minister of State

Northern Ireland Office

26th November 2007

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order commences for Northern Ireland provisions in the Criminal Justice Act 2003 that make amendments to Part V of the Police Act 1997 dealing with criminal records.

Note as to Earlier Commencement Orders

(This note is not part of the Order)

The following provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 have been brought into force by commencement orders made before the date of this order.

ProvisionDate of CommencementS.I. No.
Sections 1, 2, 4, 6 to 8, 11 and 12 and Schedule 1 (amendments of Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984)20.1.20042004/81
Section 3 (arrestable offences)29.1.20042004/81
Section 5 (partially) (drug testing for under-eighteens);1.8.20042004/1867
Section 5 to the extent not already in force1.12.20052005/3055
Section 9 (taking fingerprints without consent)5.4.20042004/829
Section 10 (taking non-intimate samples without consent)5.4.20042004/829
Sections 13, 15(3), 16, 17, 18, 19 to 21 (bail)5.4.20042004/829
Sections 14 (offences committed while on bail) and 15(1) and (2) (failure to surrender by persons released on bail) for the purposes only of any3.7.20042004/1629
offence) (partially) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 36 (minor and consequential).1.1.20072006/3217
Sections 22 to 24 (conditional cautions)
Section 25 (conditional cautions, code of practice)29.1.20042004/81
Sections 26 and 27 (partially) (conditional cautions)3.7.20042004/1629
Section 28 and Schedule 2 (partially)29.1.20042004/81
section 31 (charging etc)3.7.20042004/1629
Section 29(1) to (3), (5) and (6) (new method of instituting proceedings) (partially) and 30 (further provision about the new method) (partially)25.7.20072007/1999
Sections 32, 33(2), 36 to 38 and 39 (disclosure)4.4.20052005/950
Section 33(1) (partially)24.7.20062006/1835
Section 40 (code of practice for police interviews of witnesses notified by accused)5.4.20042004/829
Section 41 (allocation of offences triable either way)4.4.20052005/950
(partially) and Schedule 3 (partially)9.5.20052005/1267
Section 42 (mode of trial for certain firearms offences: transitory arrangements)22.1.20042004/81
Section 44 (jury tampering), 45 (procedure for applications), 46 (discharge of jury because of jury tampering), 47 (appeals), 48 (partially)24.7.20062006/1835
Section 49 (rules of court)29.1.20042004/81
Section 50 (partially)8.1.20072006/3422
Section 55 (rules of court)9.1.20042004/81
Sections 57 to 61, 67 to 74 (prosecution29.1.20042004/81
Sections 75 to 96 and Schedule 5 (retrial for29.1.20042004/81
serious offences)18.4.2005
Section 97 (application of Criminal Appeal Acts)7.3.20052005/373
Sections 98 to 113 and Schedule 6 (evidence of29.1.20042004/81
bad character)15.12.2004 1.1.20052004/3033
Sections 114 to 136 (hearsay evidence) and29.1.20042004/81
Schedule 7 (hearsay evidence: armed forces)4.4.20052005/950
Section 139 to 141 (use of documents to refresh memory)5.4.20042004/829
Sections 142 to 150, 152, 153, 156 to 160; 1627.3.20052005/373
to 1664.4.20052005/950
Sections 167 and 168 (partially) and 169 to 173 (sentencing and allocation guidelines)27.2.20042004/81
Section 174 (duty to give reasons for, and5.4.20042004/829
explain effect of, sentence)4.4.20052005/950
Section 175 (duty to publish information about sentencing)4.4.20052005/950
Section 176 (interpretation of Chapter 1)5.4.20042004/829
Sections 177, 179 and 180 (community orders)4.4.20052005/950
and Schedule 8 (breach, revocation or amendment of community order) and Schedule 9 (transfer of community orders to Scotland or Northern Ireland) (all partially and subsequently all for remaining purposes)4.4.20072005/950
Section 178 (power to provide for court review of community orders)7.3.20052005/373
Sections 182 to 187 and Schedule 10 (prison sentences of less than 12 months) (all partially)26.1.20042003/3282
Sections 189 to 194 (suspended sentences);4.4.20052005/950
Schedule 12 (breach or amendment of suspended sentence order, and effect of further conviction) and Schedule 13 (transfer of suspended sentence orders to Scotland or Northern Ireland).
Sections 195, 196 (partially), 197 to 203, 20426.1.20042003/3282
(partially), 205 to 212, 213 (partially), 214,7.3.20052005/373
215, 216 (partially), 217 to 220 and Schedule 14, and sections 221 to 223 (further provisions about orders under Chapters 2 and 3).4.4.20052005/950
Sections 224 to 236 (dangerous offenders);4.4.20052005/950
Schedule 15 (specified offences for the purposes of Chapter 5 of Part 12); Schedule 16 (Scottish offences specified for the purposes of section 229(4)); Schedule 17 (Northern Ireland offences specified for the purposes of section 229(4)) and Schedule 18 (release of prisoners serving sentences of imprisonment or detention for public protection)
Sections 237 to 243 (release on licence:26.1.20042003/3282
preliminary), 244 (partially) and 245 to 249,7.3.20052005/373
250 to 251 (partially), 252 to 256, 2574.4.20052005/950
(partially), 258 to 261, 263, 264 (partially),
265, 267 to 268 (release on licence) and Schedule 19 (parole board: supplementary provisions)
Section 262 and Schedule 20 (prisoners liable to removal from the United Kingdom: modifications of Criminal Justice Act 1991)14.6.20042004/829
Section 278 and Schedule 23 (deferment of sentence)4.4.20052005/950
Section 279 and Schedule 24 (drug treatment and testing requirement in action plan order or supervision order) (partially)1.12.20042004/3033
Section 284 and Schedule 28 (increase in penalties for drug-related offences)29.1.20042004/81
Section 285 (increase in penalties for certain driving-related offences)27.2.20042004/81
Section 286 (increase in penalties for offences under section 174 of the Road Traffic Act 1988)29.1.20042004/81
Sections 287 to 293 (firearms offences) and Schedule 29 (sentencing for firearms offences in Northern Ireland)22.1.20042004/81
Sections 294 to 297 (offenders transferred to mental hospital)20.1.20042004/81
Section 299 and Schedule 30 (disqualification from working with children)1.5.20042004/829
Section 300 and Schedule 31 (default orders) (partially)7.3.20052005/373
Section 301 (fine defaulters: driving disqualification) (partially)7.3.20052005/373
Section 302 (execution of process between26.1.20042003/3282
England and Wales and Scotland)4.4.20052005/950
Section 303 (sentencing: repeals) (partially)4.4.20052005/950
Section 304 and Schedule 32 (amendments26.1.20042003/3282
relating to sentencing) (partially)22.1.20042004/81
Section 305 (interpretation of Part 12)26.1.20042003/3282
Section 306 (detention of suspected terrorists)20.1.20042004/81
Section 307 (enforcement of regulations)21.7.20052005/1817
Sections 308 to 312 (miscellaneous provisions about criminal proceedings)4.4.20052005/950
Sections 313 and 314 (extension of investigations by Criminal Cases Review Commission in England and Wales and Northern Ireland)1.9.20042004/1629
Section 315 (appeals following reference by the Criminal Cases Review Commission)4.4.20052005/950
Sections 316 and 317 (power to substitute conviction of alternative offence on appeal in England and Wales and Northern Ireland)1.9.20042004/1629
Section 318 (substitution of conviction on different charge on appeal from court-martial)1.9.20042004/1629
Section 319 (appeals against sentence in England and Wales)4.4.20052005/950
Section 320 (offence of outraging public decency triable either way)20.1.20042004/81
Section 321 and Schedule 33 (jury service)5.4.20042004/829
Sections 322 and 323 (individual support orders)1.5.20042004/829
Section 324 and Schedule 34 (parenting orders and referral orders)27.2.20042004/81
Sections 325 to 327 (arrangements for assessing etc risks posed by sexual or violent offenders)5.4.20042004/829
Section 328 and Schedule 35 (criminal record certificates: amendments of Part 5 of the Police Act29.1.20042004/81
1997) (partially)14.3.20062006/751
Section 329 (civil proceedings brought by offenders)20.1.20042004/81
Section 331 and Schedule 36 (further minor5.4.20042004/829
and consequential amendments) (partially)1.9.20042004/1629
Section 332 and Schedule 37 (repeals)20.1.2004,2004/81
Section 333 and Schedule 38 (supplementary27.2.20042004/81
and consequential provision, etc.) (partially)4.4.20052005/950