Amendments to the Special Constables Regulations 19652


The Special Constables Regulations 19652 are amended as follows.


After regulation 1 insert the following regulation—



Every special constable shall in accordance with the directions of the chief officer have his fingerprints taken.


Fingerprints of special constables taken in accordance with paragraph (1) shall be kept separate from the fingerprints of persons whose fingerprints have been taken otherwise than in accordance with that paragraph or regulation 18(1) of the Police Regulations 20033.


The fingerprints of a special constable taken in accordance with paragraph (1) or regulation 18(1) of the Police Regulations 2003 and all copies and records of those fingerprints shall be destroyed on his ceasing to be a special constable for the police area for which he is appointed, except that—


if on his ceasing to be a special constable he becomes a member of the police force maintained for that area, his fingerprints shall be kept in accordance with regulation 18(2) of the Police Regulations 2003, and


if on his ceasing to be a special constable for that police area he becomes a member of another police force or is appointed as a special constable for another police area, his fingerprints and all copies and records of those fingerprints shall be transferred to the chief officer of that other police force and kept in accordance with regulation 18(2) of the Police Regulations 2003 or paragraph (2) as the case may be.