
PART 9Investigation

CHAPTER 3Investigation—failures by authorised persons to comply with conditions of authorisation

Breaches by authorised persons of condition: requirement to provide information etc

36.—(1) For the purpose of making a decision under regulation 35, the Regulator may require an authorised person to give the Regulator information or documents relevant to the decision.

(2) The requirement must be by notice in writing.

(3) Such a notice—

(a)must specify or describe the information or documents to be given to the Regulator; and

(b)must specify the place at which, and the period within which, the information or documents are to be given to the Regulator; and

(c)may specify the form in which the information or a document is to be given.

(4) If such a notice specifies that information or a document is to be given in a particular form, it has not been complied with until the information or document is given in that form.

(5) The period specified must be a period that is, in all the circumstances, reasonable.

(6) The Regulator may allow more time for the information or documents to be provided if—

(a)the person required to give the information or documents so requests in writing; and

(b)the Regulator is satisfied that, in the circumstances, it is reasonable to allow the extra time.

(7) Nothing in this regulation authorises a search of any premises.