

12.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the proprietor of every school shall make to the local education authority, at such intervals as may be agreed between the proprietor and the local education authority, or as may be determined by the Secretary of State in default of agreement, a return giving the full name and address of every registered pupil of compulsory school age who—

(a)fails to attend the school regularly; or

(b)has been absent from the school, where the absence has not been treated as authorised in accordance with regulation 6(2), for a continuous period of not less than ten school days, and specifying the cause of absence if known to the proprietor.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply with respect to —

(a)any absence from the school due to the pupil attending another school at which he is a registered pupil; or

(b)any period during which the pupil was attending an approved educational activity in accordance with regulation 6(4).

(3) As to the contents of the admission register comprising particulars relating to a pupil whose name is to be deleted in accordance with regulation 8(1)(d), (e),(g),(i) or (m), the proprietor shall make a return to the local authority for every such pupil giving the full name of the pupil, the address of any parent with whom the pupil normally resides and the ground upon which their name is to be deleted from the admission register as soon as the ground for deletion is met in relation to that pupil, and in any event no later than deleting the pupil’s name from the register.