PART 3Hearings

Public hearings and directions for private hearings

22.—(1) In this rule, “hearing” means any hearing under these Rules but does not include—

(a)any determination under rule 21(1); or

(b)the hearing of any application made to the Tribunal without notice to the other party.

(2) Subject to the following paragraphs of this rule, all hearings shall be in public.

(3) The Tribunal may direct that all or part of a hearing shall be in private—

(a)upon the application of all the parties; or

(b)upon the application of any party, if the Tribunal is satisfied that a hearing in private is necessary, having regard to—

(i)the interests of morals, public order, national security or the protection of the private lives of the parties; or

(ii)any unfairness to the applicant that might result from a hearing in public,

if the Tribunal is satisfied that a hearing in private would not prejudice the interests of justice.

(4) Before determining an application under paragraph (3)(b), the Tribunal shall give the other party an opportunity to make representations.

(5) Before giving a direction under paragraph (3) that all of a hearing should be in private, the Tribunal shall consider whether only part of the hearing should be in private.

(6) The following persons shall be entitled to attend any hearing of the Tribunal whether or not it is in private—

(a)the parties and their representatives;

(b)the President or any member of the panel of chairmen or of the lay panel, notwithstanding that they are not members of the Tribunal for the purpose of the reference to which the hearing relates;

(c)the Secretary and any member of the Tribunal’s staff appointed under paragraph 5 of Schedule 4; and

(d)a member of the Council on Tribunals or the Scottish Committee of that Council.

(7) The Tribunal may permit any other person to attend a hearing which is held in private.

(8) The persons mentioned in paragraph (6)(b) and (d) shall be entitled to attend the deliberations of the Tribunal but shall take no part in those deliberations.

(9) The Tribunal may exclude from the whole or part of a hearing any person whose conduct, in the opinion of the Tribunal, has disrupted or is likely to disrupt the hearing.

(10) Subject to any direction under paragraph (11), the Secretary shall provide for the public inspection at the Tribunal’s offices of a daily list of all hearings which are to be held, together with information about the time and place fixed for the hearings.

(11) Where all or part of a hearing is held or is to be held in private, the Tribunal may direct that information about the whole or part of the proceedings before the Tribunal (including information that might help to identify any person) shall not be made public, and such a direction may provide for the information (if any) that is to be entered in the register or removed from it.