
Regulation 6(4)

SCHEDULE 1Information to be included in the head teacher’s annual report

1.  Except where otherwise specified, the following information must be included in the annual report of every pupil—

(a)brief particulars of achievements in all subjects and activities forming part of the school curriculum;

(b)comments on general progress;

(c)arrangements for discussing the report with the pupil’s teacher;

(d)attendance record, except where the pupil is in—

(i)the reception year; or

(ii)year 12 or 13 and is no longer of compulsory school age;

(e)the results of any public examinations taken, by subject and grade;

(f)details of any vocational qualifications or credits towards any such qualifications gained; and

(g)the results of any NC tests taken during that year, by level.

2.  The following information must be included in the report of every pupil at the end of each of the key stages specified—

(a)at the end of the first, second and third key stages—

(i)a brief commentary;

(ii)the results of the teacher assessment of his NC levels of attainment, excluding English at the first key stage and citizenship;

(iii)particulars of any NC attainment targets or subjects from which the pupil is exempt;

(iv)comparative information about the NC levels of attainment of pupils of the same age in the school; and

(v)comparative information about the NC levels of attainment in the core subjects of pupils of the same age nationally;

(b)at the end of the first key stage—

(i)a statement that the teacher assessment of his NC levels of attainment takes into account the results of any NC tasks and NC tests taken in accordance with the statutory arrangements; and

(ii)if applicable, a statement explaining why any NC tasks or NC tests have not been taken or why the teacher assessment has been disapplied;

(c)at the end of the first and second key stages, the results of the teacher assessment of his NC attainment targets in English; and

(d)at the end of the second and third key stages—

(i)the results of the NC tests taken, by level; and

(ii)a statement that the NC levels of attainment have been arrived at in accordance with the statutory arrangements.

3.  In this Schedule—

“attendance record” means a summary of the pupil’s attendance during the period to which the information relates, showing the total number of possible attendances and the total number of unauthorised absences expressed as a percentage of the possible attendances;

“brief commentary” means a brief account of what the teacher assessments (and, in relation to the second and third key stages, the pupil’s NC tests results) show about the pupil’s progress individually, and in relation to other pupils in the same year, which draws attention to any particular strengths and weaknesses of the pupil;

“comparative information”, in relation to pupils of the same age nationally, means the information provided by the Department for Education and Skills about the NC levels of attainment in the core subjects of all registered pupils at schools in England in the final year of the relevant key stage for the preceding school year.

Regulation 9(1)

SCHEDULE 2Information forming part of the common transfer file

1.  The pupil's—

(a)unique pupil number;

(b)surname and where known, former surname;


(d)date of birth;


(f)ethnic group; and

(g)first language.

2.  Where the pupil has special educational needs, the type of special educational provision that is being made for him (“School Action”, “School Action Plus” or “Statement”).

3.  The following information in relation to the school year in which the pupil transferred—

(a)the total number of sessions in the school year;

(b)the total number of sessions in that school year attended by the pupil; and

(c)the total number of the pupil’s unauthorised absences in that school year.

4.  The Departmental number and name of the old school.

5.  The Departmental number and name of the new school.

6.—(1) The pupil’s cumulative achievements in education, as follows—

(a)the results of the teacher assessment of the pupil’s NC levels of attainment at the end of any key stage completed, excluding any such assessment in English at the end of the first key stage;

(b)the results of the teacher assessment of his NC attainment targets;

(c)where the pupil has not completed any key stage or is between key stages when he transfers school, the most recent assessment by the teacher of his NC levels of attainment, where any such assessments have been made;

(d)subject to sub-paragraph (2), the results of the NC tasks and NC tests taken by the pupil at the end of any key stage completed, by level and score;

(e)the age-standardised scores, derived from tables produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, where these have been applied;

(f)the NC test tiers, where appropriate;

(g)the results of any public examinations taken, by subject and grade;

(h)details of any vocational qualifications or credits towards any such qualifications gained.

(2) Paragraph 6(1)(d) shall not apply to the results of the NC tasks and NC tests taken by pupils at the end of the first key stage in the school year 2004/5 and thereafter.