1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement and interpretation

  3. 2.Reference of complaints to the Commission

  4. 3.Dispensation by the Commission

  5. 4.Local resolution of complaints

  6. 5.Recording and reference of conduct matters

  7. 6.Power of Commission to impose requirements in relation to an investigation which it is supervising

  8. 7.Power of the Commission to discontinue an investigation

  9. 8.Appeals to the Commission: failures to notify or record a complaint

  10. 9.Appeals to the Commission: local resolution

  11. 10.Appeals to the Commission with respect to an investigation

  12. 11.Manner in which duties to provide information are to be performed

  13. 12.Exceptions to the duty to keep the complainant informed and to provide information for other persons

  14. 13.Meaning of “relative”

  15. 14.Copies of complaints etc.

  16. 15.Withdrawn and discontinued complaints

  17. 16.Circumstances in which an investigation or other procedure may be suspended

  18. 17.Resumption of investigation after criminal proceedings

  19. 18.Appointment of persons to carry out investigations

  20. 19.Combining and splitting investigations

  21. 20.Relinquishing the Commission’s supervision or management of an investigation

  22. 21.Complaints against a person who has subsequently ceased to serve with the police

  23. 22.Complaints against a person whose identity is unascertained

  24. 23.Notification of actions and decisions

  25. 24.Keeping of records

  26. 25.Register to be kept by the Commission

  27. 26.Delegation of powers and duties by chief officer

  28. 27.Manner and time limits of notifications

  29. 28.Application to contracted-out staff

  30. 29.Application to NCIS and NCS

  31. 30.Disciplinary proceedings for police staff

  32. Signature

  33. Explanatory Note