

Content of draft revision of Regional Spatial Strategy

7.—(1) A draft revision must contain new or amended policies to the RSS and amendments to the diagrams mentioned in regulation 9 as the RPB is of the opinion are appropriate.

(2) A draft revision must contain a reasoned justification of the policies contained in it.

(3) Those parts of a draft revision which comprise the policies of the revision and those parts which comprise the reasoned justification required by paragraph (2) must be clearly identified.

Different provision for different parts of region

8.—(1) Where the RPB decides to make different provision for different parts of the region under section 5(5)—

(a)it must notify the authorities referred to in section 4(4) of its decision; and

(b)it may give to those authorities information about how the detailed proposals for that different provision are to be made.

(2) The information referred to in paragraph (1) may indicate–

(a)the geographical area to be covered by the detailed proposals;

(b)the broad subject matter of the detailed proposals;

(c)other bodies that the RPB considers should work with the authorities in making the detailed proposals; and

(d)which of the authorities the RPB considers should lead in making the detailed proposals.

(3) The authorities referred to in section 4(4) must make the detailed proposals for the different provision within twelve weeks of being notified by the RPB under paragraph (1).

Diagrams in a draft revision of the Regional Spatial Strategy

9.—(1) A draft revision must contain a diagram, called a key diagram, illustrating the policies contained in the draft revision.

(2) A draft revision may also contain a diagram, called an inset diagram, which–

(a)is drawn to a larger scale than the key diagram, and

(b)illustrates the application of the policies to part of the area covered by the revision.

(3) Where a draft revision contains an inset diagram–

(a)the area covered by the inset diagram must be identified on the key diagram, and

(b)the application of the policies to that area must be illustrated on the inset diagram only.

(4) Key diagrams and inset diagrams must–

(a)set out the title of the draft revision, and

(b)include an explanation of any symbol or other notation that appears on them, and

(c)be prepared otherwise than on a map base.

Regard to be had to certain matters

10.—(1) Matters prescribed for the purposes of section 5(3) (in addition to those specified in paragraphs (a) to (f) of that subsection) are–

(a)the strategy prepared for the region under section 7 of the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998(1);

(b)the objectives of preventing major accidents and limiting the consequences of such accidents;

(c)the need, in the long term, to maintain appropriate distances between establishments and residential areas, buildings and areas of public use, major transport routes as far as possible, recreational areas and areas of particular natural sensitivity or interest;

(d)where the region or part of the region for which the draft revision is being prepared adjoins Scotland, the National Planning Framework for Scotland, published by the Scottish Executive in April 2004.

(2) Expressions appearing both in paragraph (1) and in Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances(2) (as amended by Council Directive 2003/105/EC(3)) have the same meaning as in that Directive.


O.J. No. L10, 14.1.1997, p. 13.


O.J. No. L345, 31.12.2003, p. 0097-0105.