The ACAS Arbitration Scheme (England and Wales) Order 2001

Written materials

70.  Supporting documentation or other material may include (without limitation) copies of:

(i)contracts of employment

(ii)letters of appointment

(iii)written statement of particulars of employment

(iv)time sheets and attendance records

(v)performance appraisal reports

(vi)warning and dismissal letters

(vii)written reasons for dismissal, where these have been given

(viii)company handbooks, rules and procedures

(ix)any information which will help the arbitrator to assess compensation, including (without limitation):

(a)pay slips, P60s or wage records

(b)details of benefits paid to the Employee such as travelling expenses and free or subsidised accommodation

(c)guidance about, and (if available) actuarial assessments of, pension entitlements

(d)details of any welfare benefits received

(e)evidence of attempts to find other work, or otherwise mitigate the loss arising from the dismissal.

(x)signed statements of any witnesses or outlines of evidence to be given by witnesses at the hearing.