Case D— Married Women and Widows

Application of regulations 126 to 134 to elections and revocation of elections deemed made under regulations 135 and 136137


Subject to paragraph (2), regulations 126 to 134, save only in so far as inconsistent with regulations 135 and 136, shall apply to any election deemed to have been made under regulation 91 of the 1975 Regulations by virtue of regulation 135 as if it had been made under, and in accordance with, regulation 127 except that the Board shall not be obliged to issue a certificate, and as if any revocation which is deemed to be made under regulation 136 were made under, and in accordance with, regulation 127(5).


Where a woman who under regulation 135 is not liable for a primary Class 1 contribution otherwise than at the reduced rate and to whom no certificate of election under the Act has been issued becomes employed in employed earner’s employment, she shall make application in writing to the Board for such a certificate and, notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Board shall issue such a certificate to her.