The Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2000


2.—(1) In these Regulations—

“the 1971 Act” means the Immigration Act 1971(1);

“the 1999 Act” means the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;

“decision-maker” means the Secretary of State, an immigration officer or an entry clearance officer (as the case may be);

“EEA family permit” means a document issued to a person, in accordance with regulation 10 or 13, in connection with his admission to the United Kingdom;

“EEA national” means a national of an EEA State;

“EEA State” means a State, other than the United Kingdom, which is a Contracting Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area signed at Oporto on 2nd May 1992(2) as adjusted by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 17th March 1993(3);

“economic activity” means activity as a worker or self-employed person, or as a provider or recipient of services;

“entry clearance officer” means a person responsible for the grant or refusal of entry clearances;

“military service” means service in the armed forces of an EEA State;

“Regulation 1251/70” means Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 1251/70 on the right of workers to remain in the territory of a Member State after having been employed in that State(4);

“residence document” means a document issued to a person who is not an EEA national, in accordance with regulation 10 or 15, as proof of the holder’s right of residence in the United Kingdom;

“residence permit” means a permit issued to an EEA national, in accordance with regulation 10 or 15, as proof of the holder’s right of residence in the United Kingdom;

“spouse” does not include a party to a marriage of convenience;

“United Kingdom national” means a person who falls to be treated as a national of the United Kingdom for the purposes of the Community Treaties;

“visa national” means a person who requires a visa for the United Kingdom because he is a national or citizen of one of the countries or territorial entities for the time being specified in the immigration rules(5).

(2) In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires a reference to a regulation is a reference to a regulation of these Regulations; and within a regulation a reference to a paragraph is to a paragraph of that regulation.


OJ No. L 1, 3.1.94, p.3.


OJ No. L 1, 3.1.94, p.571.


OJ No. L 142, 30.6.70, p.24 (OJ/SE 1st Series 1970 vol. II, p.402).


See Appendix 1 to the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (HC 395) laid before Parliament on 23 May 1994; the Appendix was substituted from 4 April 1996 (HC 329) and renamed Appendix 1 with effect from 11 May 1998 (Cmnd 3953), and paragraph 2(b) was substituted from 1 November 1996 (HC 31).