1.  The Applicable Systems are telecommunication systems of every description within the Licensed Area provided that a system (“the System") is an Applicable System only to the extent that it satisfies each of the following conditions:

(a)the System is one by means of which Messages are conveyed or are to be conveyed:

(i)from one Network Termination Point to another such Point;

(ii)from a Network Termination Point to another place which is neither a Network Termination Point nor a Call Office or from such a place to such a Point;

(iii)between a place which is neither a Network Termination Point nor a Call Office and another such place where their conveyance is not by way of provision of a service to another person; or

(iv)between a Call Office and any other place;

but in any case not beyond a Network Termination Point;

(b)none of the apparatus comprised in the System is Relevant Terminal Apparatus installed on premises occupied by a person to whom there are provided telecommunication services by means of the System.