
Filing of documents, hours of business, Trade Marks Journal and translations

Filing of documents by electronic means

69.  The registrar may, at her discretion, permit as an alternative to the sending by post or delivery of the application, notice or other document in legible form the filing of the application, notice or other document by electronic means subject to such terms or conditions as she may specify either generally by published notice or in any particular case by written notice to the person desiring to file any such documents by such means.

Directions on hours of business; s. 80

70.  Any directions given by the registrar under section 80 specifying the hours of business of the Office and business days of the Office shall be published and posted in the Office.

Trade Marks Journal; s. 81

71.  The registrar shall publish a journal, entitled “The Trade Marks Journal ”, containing particulars of any application for the registration of a trade mark (including a representation of the mark), such information as is required to be published under these Rules and such other information as the registrar thinks fit.


72.—(1) Where any document or part thereof which is in a language other than English is filed or sent to the registrar in pursuance of the Act or these Rules, the registrar may require that there be furnished a translation into English of the document or that part, verified to the satisfaction of the registrar as corresponding to the original text.

(2) The registrar may refuse to accept any translation which is in her opinion inaccurate and thereupon another translation of the document in question verified as aforesaid shall be furnished.