Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations further amend the Teachers' Pensions Regulations 1997 (“the principal regulations”).

Regulations 4 and 5 amend the provisions in regulation G4 and G5 of the principal regulations relating to actuarial reports on the Teachers' Pension Account. The regulations provide that each actuarial report is to be a report in relation to the account as at a date determined by the Secretary of State and that each report must specify the rate at which contributions should be paid during a period beginning and ending on days specified by the Secretary of State. Regulations 8 and 9 make special provisions relating to the actuarial report as at 31st March 1996.

Regulations 3, 6 and 7 make changes consequential on the new framework for maintained schools for which provision is made in Part II of the School Standards Framework Act 1998.