The Offshore Petroleum Production and Pipe-lines (Assessment of Environmental Effects) Regulations 1999

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement and application

  3. 2.Revocation and transitional and saving provisions

  4. 3.Interpretation

  5. 3A.Environmental impact assessment

  6. 3B.Environmental statement

  7. 4.Requirements as to contents of licences; requirement as to consent for use of floating installations in connection with a development or use of mobile installation for the testing of a well

  8. 5.Agreement of Secretary of State in respect of relevant projects

  9. 5A.Decision as to whether agreement is to be given

  10. 6.Provisions as to directions that no environmental statement need be prepared

  11. 7.Opinion by Secretary of State as to content of environmental statements

  12. 8.Obtaining of information for the preparation of environmental statements

  13. 9.Procedure on receipt of application for consent in respect of which environmental statement prepared; publicity requirements; provision of environmental statements to public

  14. 10.Provision to Secretary of State of further information and evidence respecting environmental statements

  15. 10A.Coronavirus exemption from public inspection requirements

  16. 11.Exercise by OGA of powers under licences

  17. 12.Projects affecting other States

  18. 12A.Projects in otherEEA States having a significant effect on the environment in the transboundary area

  19. 13.Exempt projects

  20. 14.Service of notices

  21. 15.Applications to the court

  22. 16.Application to court by person aggrieved

  23. 17.Application to the court by Secretary of State

  24. 17A.Fees

  25. 18.Offences

  26. 19.Review

  27. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. 1.Characteristics of the project

      2. 2.Location of the project

      3. 3.Type and characteristics of the potential impact

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Information for the Environmental Statement

      1. 1.A description of the relevant project, including in particular:

      2. 2.A description of the reasonable alternatives (for example in terms...

      3. 3.A description of the relevant aspects of the current state...

      4. 4.A description of the factors set out in Article 3(1)...

      5. 5.A description of the likely significant effects of the project...

      6. 6.A description of the forecasting methods or evidence, used to...

      7. 7.A description of the measures envisaged to avoid, prevent, reduce...

      8. 8.The description in paragraph 7 should explain the extent to...

      9. 9.A description of the expected significant adverse effects of the...

      10. 10.Relevant information available and obtained through risk assessments pursuant to...

      11. 11.In describing the matters in paragraph 9, the undertaker should,...

      12. 12.A non-technical summary of the information provided under paragraphs 1...

      13. 13.A reference list detailing the sources used for the descriptions...

  28. Explanatory Note