

The GLPMA may charge operators of test facilities and operators of test facilities shall, if so charged, pay to the GLPMA such reasonable fees as the GLPMA may determine to cover the cost of providing inspections and services under these Regulations.


The GLPMA may set those fees at levels such that they meet that part of the expenditure of the GLPMA which is reasonably attributable to the cost of inspecting and providing services under these Regulations to or on behalf of the person or class of person charged but the fees must not include any element of profit.


Any such fee shall be payable within fourteen days following written notice from the GLPMA requiring payment of the fee.


All unpaid sums due by way of, or on account of, any fees payable under this regulation shall be recoverable as debts due to the Crown.


The GLPMA may in exceptional circumstances—


waive payment of any fee or reduce any fee or part of a fee otherwise payable under this regulation;


refund the whole or part of any fee paid pursuant to this regulation.