The River Thames (Hungerford Footbridges) Order 1999

19.—(1) The undertaker shall mark and light the tidal works in accordance with such directions as the Port Authority shall give from time to time.

(2) The undertaker shall not in the exercise of the powers granted by this Order interfere with the marks, lights and other navigational systems on Charing Cross Railway Bridge without the agreement of the Port Authority and shall ensure access remains available to them during and following construction or maintenance of the tidal works.

(3) The undertaker shall provide at the tidal works, or shall afford reasonable facilities at such works (including an electricity supply), for the Port Authority to provide at the undertaker’s cost, from time to time, such navigational lights, signals or other apparatus for the benefit, control and direction of navigation as the Port Authority may deem necessary by reason of the construction, or maintenance of the tidal works and shall ensure access remains available to them during and following construction or maintenance of the tidal works.

(4) Without prejudice to section 133 of the Port of London Act 1968 the undertaker shall comply with the directions of the Port Authority’s harbourmaster from time to time with regard to the lighting on the pedestrian footways on the tidal works or the screening of such lighting to ensure that it is not a hazard to navigation on the river.