The Scotland Act 1998 (Transitory and Transitional Provisions) (Orders subject to Special Parliamentary Procedure) Order 1999

Orders to which objections are made

6.—(1) If any objection (other than an objection which in the opinion of the Scottish Ministers is frivolous or which relates to a matter that can be dealt with by an arbiter by whom compensation is to be assessed) is duly made in the time and manner specified in a notice under article 5 or in accordance with the provisions of the empowering enactment and is not withdrawn, the special procedure order shall not take effect unless it is confirmed, whether with or without amendments, by an Act of the Scottish Parliament.

(2) The Bill for such an Act shall set out the special procedure order and may be introduced by the applicant for the order or by the Scottish Ministers.

(3) The Bill shall, in the absence of any special provision in the standing orders of the Parliament concerning the procedure for such a Bill, be treated after introduction as a Private Bill for the purposes of the standing orders of the Parliament(1).


The current standing orders of the Parliament are contained in the rules set out in the Schedule to the Scotland Act 1998 (Transitory and Transitional Provisions) (Standing Orders and Parliamentary Publications) Order 1999 (S.I.1999/1095).