Extension of duration of bookmakers’ permits, betting agency permits and betting office licences

6.—(1) Paragraph 29 of Schedule 1 to the 1963 Act (duration of bookmakers’ permits, betting agency permits and betting office licences) shall be amended as follows.

(2) For the words from “31st May” to “date so shown” there shall be substituted “the licensing period in which that date falls or, if that date falls in the last five months of that period, at the end of the next licensing period”.

(3) At the end there shall be added—

(2) In this paragraph “licensing period” means the period of three years beginning with 1st June 1997 and each successive period of three years.;

and the existing provisions of paragraph 29 as amended by sub-paragraph (2) above shall constitute sub-paragraph (1) of that paragraph.

(4) Sub-paragraphs (1) to (3) above apply only in relation to the grant, renewal or further renewal of a permit or licence after the coming into force of this Order.