Where a Society has become insolvent or is by virtue of Clauses 10(1), 12(2) or 15(4) hereof to be treated as insolvent and any payment is or should be made under this Scheme in respect of a Deposit, the Bank (on behalf of itself and the Union) shall seek to recover all dividends compositions or payments made or to be made in respect of the Deposit (not limited to 90% thereof or otherwise howsoever) and as between the Bank and the depositor the Bank (without prejudice to additional rights arising by virtue by subrogation) shall be entitled to all dividends, compositions and payments up to the amount of the payment made or to be made by the Union under this Scheme and the depositor shall not be entitled to any of such dividends compositions or payments until the whole of the payment made or to be made by the Union under this Scheme shall first have been equalled.


Where a Society has become insolvent or is by virtue of Clauses 10(1), 12(2) or 15(4) hereof to be treated as insolvent, then if and whenever requested by the Bank, the depositor shall by an assignment or in Scotland, an assignation, in writing assign to the Bank his rights and/or execute a declaration of trust in favour of the Bank in respect of his rights to all or any of such dividends compositions and payments and the Bank shall hold the rights so assigned or in respect of which a declaration of trust has been executed first in trust to pay to itself such dividends compositions and payments as it shall be entitled to under the previous sub-clause, and second in trust for the depositor or as he may direct, and the Bank may as attorney for and on behalf of the depositor execute any such assignment assignation or declaration of trust as aforesaid.


Without prejudice to the generality of its rights hereunder the Union and/or the Bank may stipulate as a pre-condition of any payment in respect of a Deposit under the Scheme that an assignment or, in Scotland, an assignation, to it and/or a declaration of trust should be made as aforesaid.


Where a Society has become insolvent or is by virtue of Clauses 10(1), 12(2) or 15(4) hereof to be treated as insolvent it shall be the duty of the Bank and also of the depositor to inform the Liquidator, or where it is treated as insolvent the Society, of the Bank’s rights hereunder as soon as possible with a view to the preservation for the Bank of all such dividends compositions and payments and the depositor shall authorise the Liquidator, or where it is treated as insolvent the Society, to provide on request all relevant information to the Bank.


The Union and/or the Bank shall be entitled for the purposes of the Scheme to have access to and copy such of the books records files and other documents of, and to obtain such information from, any body corporate which is or has been a Participating Society as the Union and/or the Bank (as the case may be) shall in their or its discretion consider necessary or helpful in order to carry the provision of the Scheme into effect.