The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995

Class A

A.    Permitted development

The erection on the site of any school, college, university or hospital of any building required for use as part of, or for a purpose incidental to the use of, the school, college, university or hospital as such, as the case may be.

A.1    Development not permitted

Development is not permitted by Class A—


(i)in the case of school, college or university buildings, the predominant use of the existing buildings on the site is for the provision of education, or

(ii)in the case of hospital buildings, the predominant use of the existing buildings on the site is for the provision of any medical or health services;

(b)where the cumulative total floor space of any buildings erected on a particular site (other than the original school, college, university or hospital buildings) would exceed 10% of the total floor space of the original school, college, university or hospital buildings on that site;

(c)where the cumulative total cubic content of buildings erected on a particular site (other than the original school, college, university or hospital buildings) would exceed 250 cubic metres;

(d)where any part of a building erected would be within 20 metres of the boundary of the site;

(e)where, as a result of the development, any land, used as a playing field immediately before the development took place, could no longer be so used.

A.2    Condition

Development is permitted by Class A subject to the condition that, in the case of any article 1(5) land, any materials used shall be of a similar appearance to those used for the original school, college, university or hospital buildings.

A.3    Interpretation of Class A

For the purposes of Class A—

  • “cumulative total floor space” or “cumulative total cubic content”, as the case may be, of buildings erected, includes the total floor space or total cubic content of any existing buildings previously erected at any time under Class A; and

  • “original school, college, university or hospital buildings” means any school, college, university or hospital buildings, as the case may be, other than any buildings erected at any time under Class A.