Liability to charges3


For the purposes of carrying out any function in pursuance of regulation 16(3) of the principal Regulations and subject to paragraph (2) below, there shall be due from a specified producer to the Minister, in respect of any matter specified in the first column of the Schedule to these Regulations, the charge specified in relation thereto in the second column thereof.


No charge shall be due in respect of—


any dairy farm visit for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is a particular threat to public health, or for the purpose of taking measures to reduce such a threat;


any sampling dairy farm visit for the taking of samples of milk sold in accordance with regulation 12(2)(b) of the principal Regulations;


any sampling dairy farm visit where the specified producer is a person to whom a consent has been granted under regulation 2B of the Milk (Special Designation) Regulations 19893 and that consent was in force immediately before the coming into force of the principal Regulations.