The Air Navigation Order 1995

3  The following items of equipment shall not be required to be of a type approved by the Authority:

(a)The equipment referred to in Scale A (ii).

(b)First aid equipment and handbook, referred to in Scale A.

(c)Time-pieces, referred to in Scale F.

(d)Torches, referred to in Scales G, H, K and Z.

(e)Whistles, referred to in Scale H.

(f)Sea anchors, referred to in Scales J and K.

(g)Rocket signals, referred to in Scale J.

(h)Equipment for mooring, anchoring or manoeuvring aircraft on the water, referred to in Scale J.

(i)Paddles, referred to in Scale K.

(j)Food and water, referred to in Scales K, U and V.

(k)First aid equipment, referred to in Scales K, U and V.

(l)Stoves, cooking utensils, snow shovels, ice saws, sleeping bags and Arctic suits, referred to in Scale V.

(m)Megaphones, referred to in Scale Y.



Description of AircraftCircumstances of FlightScale of Equipment Required

For the purpose of this Table, flying time shall be calculated on the assumption that the aircraft is flying in still air at the speed specified in the relevant certificate of airworthiness as the speed for compliance with regulations governing flights over water.


*For the purposes of this Table, flying time shall be calculated on the assumption that the helicopter or gyroplane is flying in still air at the speed specified in the relevant certificate of airworthiness as the speed for compliance with regulations governing flights over water.

(1)  Gliders

(a) flying for purposes other than public transport or aerial work; and when flying by night

A (ii)

(b) flying for the purpose of public transport or aerial work; and

A, B (i) and (ii), D and F(i)

(i)when flying by night

C and G

(ii)when carrying out aerobatic manoeuvres

B (iii)

(2)  Aeroplanes

(a) flying for purposes other than public transport; and

A (i) and (ii) and B (i)

(i)when flying by night

C and D

(ii)when flying under Instrument Flight Rules

(aa)outside controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph


(bb)within controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph

E with E (iv) duplicated and F

(iii)when carrying out aerobatic manoeuvres

B (iii)

(b) flying for the purpose of public transport; and

A, B (i) and (ii), D and F (i)

(i)when flying under Instrument Flight Rules except flights outside controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph by aeroplanes having a maximum total weight authorised not exceeding 1150 kg

E with E (iv) duplicated and F

(ii)when flying by night; and in the case of aeroplanes of which the maximum total weight authorised exceeds 1150 kg

C and G E with E (iv) duplicated and F

(iii)when flying over water beyond gliding distance from land


(iv)on all flights on which in the event of any emergency occurring during the take-off or during the landing at the intended destination or any likely alternate destination it is reasonably possible that the aeroplane would be forced to land onto water


(v)when flying over water:

(aa)in the case of an aeroplane:

(aaa)classified in its certificate of airworthiness as being of performance group A, C or X; or

(bbb)having no performance group classification in its certificate of airworthiness and of such a weight and performance that with any one of its power units inoperative and the remaining power unit or units operating within the maximum continuous power conditions specified in the certificate of airworthiness, performance schedule or flight manual relating to the aeroplane issued or rendered valid by the Authority it is capable of a gradient of climb of at least 1 in 200 at an altitude of 5000 ft in the international Standard Atmosphere specified in or ascertainable by reference to the certificate of airworthiness in force in respect of that aircraft;

  • when either more than 400 nautical miles or more than 90 minutes flying time* from the nearest aerodrome at which an emergency landing can be made

H and K

(bb)in the case of all other aeroplanes, when more than 30 minutes flying time* from such an aerodrome

H and K

(vi)on all flights which involve manoeuvres on water

H, J and K

(vii)when flying at a height of 10,000 ft or more above mean sea level:

(aa)having a certificate of airworthiness first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) before 1st January 1989

L1 or L2

(bb)having a certificate of airworthiness first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st January 1989


(viii)on flights when the weather reports or forecasts available at the aerodrome at the time of departure indicate that conditions favouring ice formation are likely to be met


(ix)when carrying out aerobatic manoeuvres

B (iii)

(x)on all flights on which the aircraft carries a flight crew of more than one person


(xi)on all flights for the purpose of the public transport of passengers

Q and Y(i), (ii) and (iii)

(xii)on all flights by a pressurised aircraft


(xiii)when flying over substantially uninhabited land areas where, in the event of an emergency landing, tropical conditions are likely to be met


(xiv)when flying over substantially uninhabited land or other areas where, in the event of any emergency landing, polar conditions are likely to be met


(xv)when flying at an altitude of more than 49,000 ft


(3)  Turbine-jet aeroplanes having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg or pressurised aircraft having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 11,400 kg

when flying for the purpose of public transportO

(4)  Turbine-engined aeroplanes having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg and piston-engined aeroplanes having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 27,000 kg except for such aeroplanes falling within paragraphs (5) or (6):

(a) which are operated by an air transport undertaking under a certificate of air-worthiness in the Transport Category (Passenger) or the Transport Category (Cargo); or

when flying on any flightP

(b) in respect of which application has been made and not withdrawn or refused for such a certificate, and which fly under the “A Conditions” or under a certificate of airworthiness in the Special Category

when flying on any flightP

(5)  Aeroplanes in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Transport Category (Passenger) or Transport Category (Cargo) and aeroplanes in respect of which application has been made, and not withdrawn or refused, for such a certificate of airworthiness and which fly under the “A Conditions” or in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Special Category except for such aeroplanes falling within paragraph (6):

(a) which conform to a type first issued with a type certificate (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st April 1971 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg but not exceeding 11,400 kg; or

when flying on any flightS(i)

(b) which conform to a type first issued with a type certificate (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st April 1971 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 11,400 kg but not exceeding 27,000 kg; or

when flying on any flightS(ii)

(c) which conform to a type first issued with a type certificate (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st April 1971 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 27,400 kg but not exceeding 230,000 kg; or

when flying on any flightS(iii)

(d) which conform to a type first issued with a type certificate in the United Kingdom on or after 1st January 1970 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 230,000 kg;

when flying on any flightS(iii)

(6)  Aeroplanes in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Transport Category (Passenger) or Transport Category (Cargo) and aeroplanes in respect of which application has been made, and not withdrawn or refused, for such a certificate of airworthiness and which fly under “A Conditions” or in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Special Category:

(a) for which an individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st June 1990 and which have a maximum total weight authorised not exceeding 5700 kg, are powered by two or more turbine engines and are certified to carry more than nine passengers; or

when flying on any flightS(iv)

(b) for which an individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st June 1990 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg but not exceeding 27,000 kg; or

when flying on any flightS(v)

(c) for which an individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st June 1990 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 27,000 kg.

when flying on any flightS(vi)

(7)  Aeroplanes in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Aerial Work or Private Category and for which an individual certificate of airworthiness was first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st June 1990 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 27,000 kg.

when flying on any flightS(vi)

(8)  Aeroplanes:

(a) which conform to a type first issued with a type certificate (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st April 1971 and having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 27,000 kg and in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Transport Category (Passenger) or the Transport Category (Cargo); or

when flying on any flightT

(b) which comform to a type first issued with a type certificate in the United Kingdom on or after 1st January 1970 and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 230,000 kg and in respect of which there is in force such a certificate of airworthiness; or

when flying on any flightT

(c) having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 27,000 kg which conform to a type first issued with a type certificate on or after 1 April 1971 (or 1 January 1970 in the case of an aeroplane having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 230,000 kg) in respect of which an application has been made, and not withdrawn or refused for such a certificate of airworthiness and which fly under the “A Conditions” or in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Special Category.

when flying on any flightT

(9)  Aeroplanes which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 15,000 kg or which in accordance with the certificate of airworthiness in force in respect thereof may carry more than 30 passengers.

on all flights for the purpose of public transportX

(10)  Aeroplanes:

(a) which are a turbo-jet and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 22,700 kg; or

when flying by night for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ(i) and (ii)

(b) having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg and which conform to a type for which a certificate or airworthiness was first applied for (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) after 30th April 1972 but not including any aeroplane which in the opinion of the Authority is identical in all matters affecting the provision of emergency evacuation facilities to an aeroplane for which a certificate of airworthiness was first applied for before that date; or

when flying by night for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ(i) and (ii)

(c) which in accordance with the certificate of airworthiness in force in respect thereof may carry more than 19 passengers; or

when flying by night for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ(i)

(d) having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg and which conform to a type for which a certificate of airworthiness was first applied for (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) after 30th April 1972 but not including any aeroplane which in the opinion of the Authority is identical in all matters affecting the provision of emergency evacuation facilities to an aeroplane for which a certificate of airworthiness was first applied for before that date; or

when flying for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ(iii)

(e) which are a turbo-jet and which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 22,700 kg; or

when flying for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ(iii)

(f) first issued with a type certificate (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st January 1958 and which in accordance with the certificate of airworthiness in force in respect thereof may carry more than 19 passengers.

when flying for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ(iii)

(11)  Aeroplanes:

(a) powered by one or more turbine jets

when flying on any flightAA

(b) powered by one or more turbine propeller engines and having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg and first issued with a certificate of airworthiness in the United Kingdom on or after 1st April 1989.

when flying on any flightAA

(12)  Aeroplanes in respect of which there is in force a certificate of airworthiness in the Transport Category (Passenger);

on all flights for the purpose of the public transport of passengers.Y (iv)

(13)  Helicopters and Gyroplanes

(a) flying for purposes other than public transport; and

A (i) and (ii) and B (i)

(i)when flying by day under Visual Flight Rules with visual ground reference


(ii)when flying by day under Instrument Flight Rules or without visual ground reference

(aa)outside controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph

E with E (ii) duplicated

(bb)within controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph

E with E (ii) and E (iv) duplicated and F with F (iv) for all weights

(iii)when flying at night

(aa)with visual ground reference

C, E, G (iii) and G (v)

(bb)without visual ground reference

(aaa)outside controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph

C, E with E (ii) duplicated, G (iii) and G (v)

(bbb)within controlled airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph

C, E with both E (ii) and E (iv) duplicated, F with F (iv) for all weights, G (iii) and G (v)

(b) flying for the purpose of public transport; and

A, B (i) and (ii), F (i) and F (iv) for all weights

(i)when flying by day under Visual Flight Rules with visual ground reference


(ii)when flying by day under Instrument Flight Rules or without visual ground reference

E with both E (ii) and E (iv) duplicated, F (ii), F (iii) and F (v)

(iii)when flying by night with visual ground reference

(aa)in the case of a helicopter or gyroplane having a maximum total weight authorised not exceeding 2000 kg

C, E and G

(bb)in the case of a helicopter or gyroplane having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 2000 kg

C, E with E (ii) duplicated and either E (iv) duplicated or a radio altimeter, F (ii), F (iii), F (v) and G

(iv)when flying by night without visual ground reference

C, E with both E (ii) and E (iv] duplicated, F (ii), F (iii), F (v) and G

(v)when flying over water

(aa)in the case of a helicopter or gyroplane classifed in its certificate of airworthiness as being of performance group A2 or B when beyond autorotation gliding distance from land suitable for an emergency landing

E and H

(bb)on all flights on which in the event of any emergency occurring during the take-off or during the landing at the intended destination or any likely alternate destination it is reasonably possible that the helicopter or gyroplane would be forced to land onto water


(cc)in the case of a helicopter or gyroplane classified in its certificate of airworthiness as being of performance group A2 when beyond 10 minutes flying time** from land

E, H, K and T

(dd)for more than a total of 3 minutes in any flight


(ee)in the case of a helicopter or a gyroplane classified in its certificate of airworthiness as being of performance group A2 which is intended to fly beyond 10 minutes flying time from land or which actually flies beyond 10 minutes flying time from land, on a flight which is either in support of or in connection with the offshore exploitation, or exploration of mineral resources (including gas) or is on a flight under and in accordance with the terms of a police air operator’s certificate, when in either case the weather reports or forecasts available to the commander of the aircraft indicate that the sea temperature will be less than plus 10°C during the flight or when any part of the flight is at night


(vi)on all flights which involve manoeuvres on water

H, J and K

(vii)when flying at a height of 10,000 ft or more above mean sea level:

(aa)having a certificate of airworthiness first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) before 1st January 1989

L1 or L2

(bb)having a certificate of airworthiness first issued (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) on or after 1st January 1989


(viii)on flights when the weather reports or forecasts available at the aerodrome at the time of departure indicate that conditions favouring ice formation are likely to be met


(ix)on all flights on which the aircraft carries a flight crew of more than one person


(x)on all flights for the purpose of the public transport of passengers

Y(i), (ii) and (iii)

(xi)when flying over substantially uninhabited land areas where, in the event of an emergency landing, tropical conditions are likely to be met


(xii)when flying over substantially uninhabited land or other areas where, in the event of an emergency landing, polar conditions are likely to be met


(14)  Helicopters and Gyroplanes:

(a) having a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 5700 kg and which conform to a type for which a certificate of airworthiness was first applied for (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) after 30th April 1972 but not including any helicopter or gyroplane which in the opinion of the Authority is identical in all matters affecting the provision of emergency evacuation facilities to a helicopter or gyroplane for which a certificate of airworthiness was first applied for before that date; or

when flying by night for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ (i) and (ii)

(b) which, in accordance wih the the certificate of airworthiness in force in respect thereof may carry more than 19 passengers; or

when flying by night for the purpose of the public transport of passengersZ (i)

(c) which have a certificate of airworthiness issued in the Transport Category (Passenger or Cargo) and helicopters and gyroplanes in respect of which application has been made and not withdrawn or refused for such a certificate of airworthiness and which fly under the “A Conditions” or which have a certificate of airworthiness in the Special Category and

(i)which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 2730 kg but not exceeding 7000 kg or which in accordance with the certificate of airworthiness in force in respect thereof may carry more than nine passengers, or both

when flying on any flightSS(i) or (iii)

(ii)which have a maximum total weight authorised exceeding 7000 kg

when flying on any flightSS(ii) or (iii)