The Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994

Sections 293 and 294: Summoning of meeting to appoint trustee

11.  Sections 293 and 294 are modified so as to read as follows—

293.(1) Where orders are made by virtue of article 11 of the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994, the official receiver, by virtue of his office, becomes the trustee of the estates of the members and the trustee of the partnership and continues in office until another person becomes trustee under the provisions of this Part.

(2) The official receiver is, by virtue of his office, the trustee of the estates of the members and the trustee of the partnership during any vacancy.

(3) At any time when he is trustee, the official receiver may summon a combined meeting of the creditors of the members and the creditors of the partnership, for the purpose of appointing a trustee in place of the official receiver.

(4) It is the duty of the official receiver—

(a)as soon as practicable in the period of 12 weeks beginning with the day on which the first order was made by virtue of article 11 of the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994, to decide whether to exercise his power under subsection (3) to summon a meeting, and

(b)if in pursuance of paragraph (a) he decides not to exercise that power, to give notice of his decision, before the end of that period, to the court and to those creditors of the members and those of the partnership who are known to the official receiver or dentified in a statement of affairs submitted under section 272, and

(c)(whether or not he has decided to exercise that power) to exercise his power to summon a meeting under subsection (3) if he is at any time requested to do so by one-quaater, in value, of either—

(i)the creditors of any member against whom an insolvency order has been made, or

(ii)the partnership’s creditors,

and accordingly, where the duty imposed by paragraph (c) arises before the official receiver has performed a duty imposed by paragraph (a) or (b), he is not required to perform the latter duty.

(5) A notice given under subsection (4)(b) to the creditors shall contain an explanation of the creditors' power under subsection (4)(c) to require the official receiver to sum on a combined meeting of the creditors of the partnership and of the members against who insolvency orders have been made.

(6) If the official receiver, in pursuance of subsection (4)(a), has decided to exercise his power under subsection (3) to summon a meeting, he shall hold that meeting in the period of 4 months beginning with the day on which the first order was made by virtue of article 11 of the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994.

(7) If (whether or not he has decided to exercise that power) the official receiver is requested, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (4)(c), to exercise his power under subsection (3) to summon a meeting, he shall hold that meeting in accordance with the rules.

(8) Where a meeting of creditors of the partnership and of the members has been held, and an insolvency order is subsequently made against a further insolvent member by virtue of article 11 of the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994—

(a)any person chosen at the meeting to be responsible insolvency practitioner in place of the official receiver shall also be the responsible insolvency practitioner of the member against whom the subsequent order is made, and

(b)subsection (4) of this section shall not apply..