The Transfrontier Shipment of Waste Regulations 1994

Transmission of notification by competent authority of dispatch

6.—(1) If a competent authority of dispatch decides, in relation to the notifications referred to in Article 3(1), 6(1) or 15(1) relating to shipments of waste dispatched from its area, or in relation to any class of such notifications, to transmit the notification itself to the competent authority of destination, with copies to the consignee and to any competent authority of transit, it shall give notice by advertisement of that decision.

(2) A notice of a decision under paragraph (1) above shall describe the notifications to which the competent authority s decision applies and the decision which is the subject of the notice shall take effect 2 weeks after the publication of the last of the notics required to be published.

(3) Where a decision under paragraph (1) above takes effect, a notifier who intends to make a shipment of waste which requires a notification to which the competent authority s decision applies shall send the required notification to the authority which published the notice and shall not send copies of that notification to any other competent authority or to the consignee.

(4) Subject to paragraph (5) below, a competent authority which receives a notification in accordance with paragraph (3) above shall, within 3 working days of receiving the notification, transmit it to the competent authority of destination, with copies to the consignee and any competent authority of transit.

(5) Where the notification relates to the shipment of waste for disposal, paragraph (4) above shall not apply if the competent authority of dispatch has immediate objections to raise against the shipment in accordance with Article 4(3).

(6) A competent authority which has published notice of a decision in accordance with this regulation may withdraw it at any time by giving notice by advertisement of the withdrawal and the withdrawal shall take effect 2 weeks after the publication of the last of the notices required to be published.

(7) In this regulation “notice by advertisement” means—

(a)in relation to notice by a competent authority in England or Wales, a notice published in the London Gazette and in at least one local newspaper circulating in the area of that authority;

(b)in relation to notice by a competent authority in Scotland, a notice published in the Edinburgh Gazette and in at least one local newspaper circulating in the area of that authority; and

(c)in relation to notice by a competent authority in Northern Ireland, a notice published in the Belfast Gazette and in at least 3 local newspapers circulating in the area of that authority.