Notification of appointments to the Executive

34.  The owner of the mine shall notify the Executive, within 28 days of the date of appointment, of the name, address and terms of appointment of each of the following persons, namely–

(a)the manager;

(b)the person appointed in accordance with regulation 8(3) to exercise supervision when the manager is temporarily unavailable or the post of manager is vacant; and

(c)the surveyor for the mine.

Form and retention of reports, records etc.

35.—(1) Every report or record which is required to be made under the relevant statutory provisions which apply to the mine shall be in a suitable form and shall be kept at the mine, or at some other place approved by the Executive, for at least three years from the date on which the report or record was made unless the provision concerned expressly imposes some other requirement.

(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply to copies of information notified to the Executive under the relevant statutory provisions which apply to the mine as it applies to reports and records.

(3) A copy of the written statement of duties of all persons appointed at the mine under these Regulations shall be kept at the mine or at some other place approved by the Executive for at least 12 months after the date on which the appointment ceased to have effect.

(4) Copies of all rules and schemes required to be made under the relevant statutory provisions which apply to the mine shall be kept at the office of the mine while those rules and schemes remain operative.

Provision of covered accommodation and information to be kept in it

36.—(1) There shall be provided suitable covered accommodation at every mine to which all persons at work at the mine shall have access.

(2) There shall be provided in that covered accommodation copies of–

(a)all the relevant statutory provisions and all approved codes of practice which apply to the mine;

(b)all schemes and rules required to be made under the relevant statutory provisions which apply to the mine;

(c)any notices under the relevant statutory provisions served by an inspector which apply to the mine;

(d)any consents or exemptions under the relevant statutory provisions granted by an inspector or the Executive which apply to the mine; and

(e)a sketch plan of the mine showing the main roads and means of exit from each part of the mine to the surface and the telephone stations below ground.

Posting of notices

37.—(1) At a place or places where they can be readily seen and read by persons at work at the mine, there shall be provided suitable notices showing–

(a)the name and address of–

(i)the owner of the mine, and

(ii)the manager of the mine; and

(b)the location of the covered accommodation referred to in regulation 36(1).

(2) If either–

(a)regulations under the 1974 Act which affect the mine are made; or

(b)any notice relating to the mine has been served by an inspector; or

(c)any consent or exemption relating to the mine has been granted, by the Executive,

a notice to that effect shall be posted with the notices referred to in paragraph (1) for a period of 6 months immediately following the occurrence of the relevant event referred to in sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above.

(3) The Executive may approve the form which notices posted pursuant to this regulation shall take.