The Trade Effluent (Asbestos) (Scotland) Regulations 1993

Discharges of asbestos effluent to public sewers

2.—(1) It shall be the duty of every local authority and of the Secretary of State, in exercising their respective functions under Part II of the 1968 Act (trade effluents), to secure that the requirements of the following paragraphs are met.

(2) As far as reasonably practicable and using the best available techniques not entailing excessive cost, including where appropriate recycling or treatment, asbestos discharges into the aquatic environment shall be reduced at source and prevented.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4), all aqueous effluent arising in the manufacture of asbestos cement shall be recycled.

(4) Where such recycling as is mentioned in the preceding paragraph is not economically feasible, the disposal of liquid waste containing asbestos shall not result in pollution of the aquatic environment.

(5) Any consent given under Part II of the 1968 Act for the disposal of liquid waste containing asbestos shall impose conditions–

(a)setting a limit value of 30 grams of total suspended matter per cubic metre of aqueous effluent discharged;

(b)specifying the volume of discharges into water of the total quantity of suspended matter discharged per tonne of product taking account of the specific situation of the premises concerned; and

(c)requiring measurements to be taken at regular intervals of the discharges of aqueous effluent from the premises in accordance with the sampling and analysis procedures and methods described in the Schedule to these Regulations or in accordance with any other procedure or method which gives equivalent results.

(6) Subject to paragraph (7), all aqueous effluent arising in the manufacture of asbestos paper or board shall be recycled.

(7) Nothing in the preceding paragraph shall prohibit the discharge of such effluent during routine cleaning or maintenance of the premises concerned provided that the effluent contains not more than 30 grams of suspended matter per cubic metre of water, and accordingly such discharge may be authorised under Part II of the 1968 Act.

(8) Any consent given under Part II of the 1968 Act for the purposes of paragraph (7) shall include the condition specified in paragraph (5)(c).