
Regulation 11(1)(b)


1.  Harvesting techniques must not cause excessive damage to the shells or tissues of live bivalve molluscs or other shellfish.

2.  Live bivalve molluscs or other shellfish must be adequately protected from crushing, abrasion or vibration after harvesting and must not be exposed to extremes of hot or cold temperature.

3.  Techniques for harvesting, transporting, landing and handling live bivalve molluscs or other shellfish must not result in additional contamination of the product, nor in a significant reduction in the quality of the product, nor in any changes significantly affecting their ability to be treated by purification, processing or relaying.

4.  Live bivalve molluscs or other shellfish must not be re-immersed in water which could cause additional contamination between harvesting and landing.

5.—(1) The means of transport used for transporting live bivalve molluscs or other shellfish must be used under conditions which protect the latter from additional contamination and crushing of shells, and must permit adequate drainage and cleaning.

(2) In the event of bulk transport over long distances of live bivalve molluscs to a dispatch centre, purification centre, relaying area or processing plant, the means of transport must be equipped in such a way as to ensure the best survival conditions possible, and in particular must comply with the requirements laid down in paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 7.

6.—(1) A movement document, as prescribed in this paragraph, for the identification of each batch of live bivalve molluscs during transport from the production area to a dispatch centre, purification centre, relaying area or processing plant shall be issued by the food authority, on request, to the gatherer for completion by the gatherer in respect of each batch in a way which is both legible and indelible.

(2) The gatherer shall ensure the completed movement document accompanies each batch at all times.

(3) If a batch in respect of which a movement document has been issued is split for any reason the person having control of the original batch at the time of the splitting shall ensure that the information accompanying the original batch accompanies each sub-batch in the same form as the movement document together with the full name and address of the person splitting the batch and the additional information concerning the subsequent movement of the sub-batches.

(4) A movement document shall be in the following form—


(5) Each movement document must be numbered permanently in sequence by the food authority.

(6) Each food authority shall keep a register indicating the number of each movement document together with the name of the person collecting the live bivalve molluscs and of the person to whom the document was issued.

(7) The person receiving a movement document for each batch of live bivalve molluscs shall put on it the date the batch was received by either a dispatch centre, purification centre or relaying area and shall keep it available for inspection for a period of at least 60 days.

(8) If gathering is or is to be, carried out by a person employed by the person who operates the dispatch centre, purification centre, relaying area or processing plant of destination, the food authority may, if satisfied that the gatherer will comply with the requirements of these Regulations concerning gathering and handling issue to the gatherer a permanent transport authorisation (which may be withdrawn at any time) absolving the gatherer from the requirement to use movement documents for transfers from a production area specified in that authorisation to a dispatch centre, purification centre, relaying area, or processing plant specified in that authorisation.

7.  If a production or relaying area is closed temporarily, pursuant to regulation 4 or 13, the food authority shall refrain from issuing further movement documents and permanent transport authorisations for that area and the food authority may suspend the validity of any such documents or authorisations already issued for the area.