
Regulation 7(1)


1.  The supply or use of the products containing chrysotile described in the following paragraphs of this Schedule are prohibited.

2.  Materials or preparations intended to be applied by spraying.

3.  Paints or varnishes.

4.  Filters for liquids, except that this prohibition shall not apply to filters for medical use until after 31st December 1994.

5.  Road surfacing material where the fibre content is more than 2%.

6.  Mortars, protective coatings, fillers, sealants, jointing compounds, mastics, glues and decorative products in powder form and decorative finishes.

7.  Insulating or soundproofing materials which when used in their intended form have a density of less than 1g/cm3.

8.  Air filters and filters used in the transport, distribution and utilisation of natural gas and town gas.

9.  Underlays for plastic floor and wall coverings.

10.  Textiles finished in the form intended to be supplied to the end user unless treated to avoid fibre release, except that this prohibition shall not apply to diaphragms for electrolysis processes until after 31st December 1998.

11.  Roofing felt after 1st July 1993.