1992 No. 2350


The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedules 5 and 8) Order 1992


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

The Secretary of State—

having received a representation made jointly to him by the Nature Conservancy Councils;

having given any local authority affected and any other person affected an opportunity to submit objections or representations with respect to the subject matter of this Order;

being of the opinion that the animals and plants referred to in articles 2 and 3(1) of this Order are in danger of extinction in Great Britain or likely to become so endangered unless conservation measures are taken, and that the plants referred to in article 3(2) below are no longer so endangered or likely to become so endangered;

in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 22(3) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 19811, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order:

Citation and commencement1


This Order may be cited as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Variation of Schedules 5 and 8) Order 1992 and shall come into force on 29th October 1992.


In this Order “the Act” means the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Variation of Schedule 52


The following animals are hereby added to Schedule 5 to the Act:

Common Name

Scientific Name


Graphoderus zonatus


Hypebaeus flavipes


Paracymus aeneus

Beetle, Lesser Silver Water

Hydrochara caraboides

Beetle, Mire Pill (in respect of section 9(4)(a) only)

Curimopsis nigrita

Hatchet Shell, Northern

Thyasira gouldi

Lagoon Snail

Paludinella littorina

Lagoon Snail, De Folin's

Caecum armoricum

Lagoon Worm, Tentacled

Alkmaria romijni

Moth, Sussex Emerald

Thalera fimbrialis

Sea Fan, Pink (in respect of section 9(1), 9(2) and 9(5) only)

Eunicella verrucosa

Sea Slug, Lagoon

Tenellia adspersa


Acipenser sturio


The following entry is hereby added to Schedule 5 to the Act in substitution for the existing entry relating to the high brown fritillary butterfly (argynnis adippe)2:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Butterfly, High Brown Fritillary

Argynnis adippe

Variation of Schedule 83


The following plants are hereby added to Schedule 8 to the Act:

Common Name

Scientific Name


Southbya nigrella

Caloplaca, Snow

Caloplaca nivalis

Catapyrenium, Tree

Catapyrenium psoromoides

Catillaria, Laurer's

Catellaria laureri

Centaury, Slender

Centaurium tenuiflorum

Cladonia, Upright Mountain

Cladonia stricta

Clary, Meadow

Salvia pratensis

Crystalwort, Lizard

Riccia bifurca

Cudweed, Broad-leaved

Filago pyramidata

Dock, Shore

Rumex rupestris

Earwort, Marsh

Jamesoniella undulifolia

Flapwort, Norfolk

Leiocolea rutheana

Frostwort, Pointed

Gymnomitrion apiculatum

Gentian, Dune

Gentianella uliginosa

Gentian, Early

Gentianella anglica

Grimmia, Blunt-leaved

Grimmia unicolor

Gyalecta, Elm

Gyalecta ulmi

Hawkweed, Northroe

Hieracium northroense

Hawkweed, Shetland

Hieracium zetlandicum

Hawkweed, Weak-leaved

Hieracium attenuatifolium

Lecanactis, Churchyard

Lecanactis hemisphaerica

Lecanora, Tarn

Lecanora archariana

Lecidea, Copper

Lecidea inops

Lichen, Arctic Kidney

Nephroma arcticum

Lichen, Ciliate Strap

Heterodermia leucomelos

Lichen, Coralloid Rosette

Heterodermia propagulifera

Lichen, Ear-lobed Dog

Peltigera lepidophora

Lichen, Forked Hair

Bryoria furcellata

Lichen, Golden Hair

Teloschistes flavicans

Lichen, Orange Fruited Elm

Caloplaca luteoalba

Lichen, River Jelly

Collema dichotomum

Lichen, Scaly Breck

Squamarina lentigera

Lichen, Stary Breck

Buellia asterella


Petallophyllum ralfsi

Liverwort, Lindenberg’s Leafy

Adelanthus lindenbergianus


Drepanocladius vernicosus

Moss, Alpine Copper

Mielichoferia mielichoferi

Moss, Baltic Bog

Sphagnum balticum

Moss, Blue Dew

Saelania glaucescens

Moss, Blunt-leaved Bristle

Orthotrichum obtusifolium

Moss, Bright Green Cave

Cyclodictyon laetevirens

Moss, Cordate Beard

Barbula cordata

Moss, Cornish Path

Ditrichum cornubicum

Moss, Derbyshire Feather

Thamnobryum angustifolium

Moss, Dune Thread

Bryum mamillatum

Moss, Glaucous Beard

Barbula glauca

Moss, Green Shield

Buxbaumia viridis

Moss, Hair Silk

Plagiothecium piliferum

Moss, Knothole

Zygodon forsteri

Moss, Large Yellow Feather

Scorpidium turgescens

Moss, Millimetre

Micromitrium tenerum

Moss, Multifruited River

Cryphaea lamyana

Moss, Nowell’s Limestone

Zygodon gracilis

Moss, Rigid Apple

Bartramia stricta

Moss, Round-leaved Feather

Rhyncostegium rotundifolium

Moss, Schleicher’s Thread

Bryum schleicheri

Moss, Triangular Pygmy

Acaulon triquetrum

Moss, Vaucher’s Feather

Hypnum vaucheri

Mudwort, Welsh

Limosella australis

Naiad, Slender

Najas flexilis

Orache, Stalked

Halimione pedunculata

Orchid, Lapland Marsh

Dactylorhiza lapponica

Pannaria, Caledonia

Pannaria ignobilis

Parmelia, New Forest

Parmelia minarum

Parmentaria, Oil Stain

Parmentaria chilensis

Penny-cress, Perfoliate

Thlaspi perfoliatum

Pertusaria, Alpine Moss

Pertusaria bryontha

Physcia, Southern Grey

Physcia tribacioides

Pine, Ground

Ajuga chamaepitys

Plantain, Floating Water

Luronium natans

Pseudocyphellaria, Ragged

Pseudocyphellaria lacerata

Psora, Rusty Alpine

Psora rubiformis

Rampion, Spiked

Phyteuma spicatum

Rustworth, Western

Marsupella profunda

Saxifrage, Marsh

Saxifrage hirulus

Solenopsora, Serpentine

Solenopsora liparina

Stonewort, Bearded

Chara canescens


Geocalyx graveolens


The following plants are hereby removed from Schedule 8 to the Act:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Lavender, Sea

{ Limonium paradoxum

{ Limonium recurvum

Spurge, Purple

Euphorbia peplis

Michael HowardOne of Her Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of StateDepartment of the Environment

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order, which applies throughout Great Britain, varies Schedules 5 and 8 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, which list animals and plants protected under that Act.

Article 2 adds eleven animals generally to Schedule 5, confers limited protection on two animals and extends the protection afforded to one animal.

Article 3 adds seventy-eight plants to Schedule 8 and removes three plants from protection.