

Complaints Commissioner

99.—(1) Not later than the time when the Secretary of State gives his consent under regulation 5 and from time to time thereafter as occasion requires (and after consulting the Operator) the Secretary of State shall appoint on such terms as to remuneration and other matters as he thinks fit a person to be known as the Complaints Commissioner and such Assistant Commissioners and other staff to assist the Complaints Commissioner as he thinks necessary for the purpose of investigating complaints under these Regulations.

(2) The Complaints Commissioner, any Assistant Commissioner or any member of his staff may at any time

(a)be removed from office by notice in writing by the Secretary of State; or

(b)resign his office by giving such notice to the Secretary of State.

(3) The remuneration of the Complaints Commissioner, any Assistant Commissioner and his staff, and any pension, compensation for loss of office, allowance or gratuity to which he or they may be entitled, or provision for any such benefits, shah be paid by the Operator.

(4) Where the Complaints Commissioner incurs any expense in the performance of his functions, including expenses in the employment of legal, accountancy or other professional services, he shall be entitled to be reimbursed for the costs thereof by the Operator.

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Complaints Commissioner may incur reasonable expense in publicising his responsibilities.

(5) The Operator shall provide the Complaints Commissioner with accommodation and other facilities for the performance of his functions.

(6) If any question arises between the Complaints Commissioner and the Operator as to any expenses incurred or proposed to be incurred under this regulation or as to the suitability or sufficiency of the accommodation or other facilities provided or to be provided under this regulation, it shall be referred to and determined by the Secretary of State.

(7) The Secretary of State may delegate either wholly or in part, and subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, to the Complaints Commissioner his functions of appointing staff (other than an Assistant Commissioner), of determining their remuneration and other matters under paragraph (1) and his functions in relation to such staff under paragraph (2).