
Regulation 5


PART 1Additional information to be provided by way of Notes to the Accounts

In respect of the balance sheet and income and expenditure account—

(a)a statement of the accounting policies adopted by the recognised body in determining the amounts to be included in the balance sheet and income and expenditure account including such policies with respect to but not restricted to such matters as fixed assets, the use of designated funds, legacies, grants payable and receivable, investments and income therefrom;

(b)the nature and purpose of each of the major funds;

(c)details of the movements on permanent endowment funds to be shown;

(d)except where provided in the statement of accounts and as required in paragraph (c) above a reconciliation of the total opening funds to the total closing funds, by major fund, summarising the income and expenditure of each fund and detailing any movements between them during the financial year;

(e)details of any grant or grants paid which exceeds or exceed in aggregate the greater of £1,000 or 2percnt; of the gross income from all sources for the financial year; separate disclosure shall not be required where the grant or grants is or are made for the benefit of an individual; and grants made for the benefit of individuals should be aggregated and the total, number and range of grants shown;

(f)particulars of all material commitments showing separately those in respect of specific charitable and other purposes;

(g)any guarantees given or other contingent liabilities and the conditions under which such liabilities might arise;

(h)any loans or other liabilities secured on the assets;

(i)the aggregate amount, if any, of any remuneration o`r reimbursement of expenses paid to the trustees and the aggregate amount, if any of any consideration paid to or receiveable by third parties for making available the services of the trustees unless disclosed in the statement of accounts;

(j)the total emoluments paid to employees and the average number of employees during the financial year;

(k)such other information as may reasonably assist the user to understand the statement of accounts; and

(l)in respect of those bodies who satisfy any two of the following conditions:—

(i)the gross income from all sources exceeds £2,000,000 per annum;

(ii)the number of its employees exceeds 50; or

(iii)the balance sheet total exceeds £975,000

a financial statement analysing cash flows under the headings of operating activities, returns on investments and servicing of finance, taxation, investing activities and financing.

PART 2Additional information to be provided by way of Notes to the Accounts

In respect of the statement of balances and receipts and payments account—

(a)the nature and purpose of each of the major funds;

(b)except where provided in the statement of accounts, a reconciliation of the total opening funds to the total closing funds, by major fund, summarising the receipts and payments of each fund and detailing any movements between them during the financial year;

(c)details of any grant or grants paid which exceeds or exceed in aggregate 2percnt; of the gross receipts from all sources for the financial year; separate diclosure shall not be required where the grant or grants is or are made for the benefit of an individual; and grants made for the benefit of individuals should be aggregated and the total, number and range of grants shown;

(d)the aggregate amount, if any, of any remuneration or reimbursement of expenses paid to the trustees and the aggregate amount, if any, of any consideration paid to or receiveable by third parties for making available the services of the trustees unless disclosed in the statement of accounts; and

(e)such other information as may reasonably assist the user to understand the statement of accounts.