Determination of attainment by subject: mathematics, science, history and geography

9.—(1) Subject to article 10 the provisions of this article regulate the determination of a pupil’s level of attainment in mathematics, science, history and geography.

(2) In the case of mathematics, the pupil’s level of attainment in the subject shall be the average of his levels of attainment in each attainment target.

(3) In the case of science, history and geography, the pupil’s level of attainment in the subject shall be the average of his levels of attainment in each attainment target, weighted as follows—

Scientific investigation (AT1)3
Life and living processes (AT2)1
Materials and their properties (AT3)1
Physical processes (AT4)1
Knowledge and understanding of history (AT1)2
Interpretations of history (AT2)1
The use of historical sources (AT3)1
Geographical skills (AT1)1
Knowledge and understanding of places (AT2)2
Physical geography (AT3)1
Human geography (AT4)1
Environmental geography (AT5)1.